12 Moments In "One True Loves" That Reminded Me How Single I Am

1 year ago 6

Watching romance movies while single is an extreme sport.

Like many perpetually single movie lovers, I love nothing better than curling up on the couch with a good old-fashioned romance to set my heart aflutter.

Most recently, One True Loves, starring Phillipa Soo, Luke Bracey, and Simu Liu found its way into my heart. And by that, I mean that it actually broke my heart (in the best way).

Two men and a woman stand side-by-side.

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Produced in association with BuzzFeed Studios, and based on the Taylor Jenkins Reid novel of the same name, One True Loves tells the story of Emma Blair (Philippa Soo) who must choose between her ex-husband Jesse (Luke Bracey), who was recently found alive after being lost at sea for years, and her fiance Sam (Simu Liu), her best friend all throughout high school. 

Seriously, warning to all single people out there: watching One True Loves made me painfully aware of how single I was because this movie is, in one (hyphenated) word, swoon-worthy. You can watch it now on digital.

A married couple dances at their wedding.

Although, swoons aside (and after I stopped myself from texting my ex) One True Loves also made me realize that being single ain't all that bad. I mean these characters are going THROUGH IT in this movie. Who needs the extra drama?

A woman and a man stare pensively into the distance.

Regardless of whether the reminder was good or bad, here are 12 moments from One True Loves that reminded me just how single I really am. I should say, spoilers ahead for One True Loves!

1. Sam gets "Friend-Zoned"

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Face it, we've all been there. Whether you're a believer of the "friend zone" or not, watching Sam get left to the wayside once Emma gets the hots for Jesse is...let's be generous and just say highly relatable instead of devastatingly sad. But frankly, I can't blame Emma. I mean...c'mon.

2. Jesse's proposal

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I'm gonna go ahead and pin this entire scene to a vision board I've got going in my office. Seriously, this proposal left me a bit more than just misty-eyed. Maybe this is just the California native in me, but getting proposed to on a stunning beach in Venice is just top-tier. It also helps if the person doing the proposing is Luke Bracey. Not gonna lie.

3. Marie yells at Jesse and Emma for missing their own wedding

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We all know it. Engaged people are a menace to society. When Emma's sister Marie (Michaela Conlin) yells at Jesse and Emma for being "adorably" late to their own wedding, I felt that in my soul. There's nothing worse than being that friend or sibling who has to reign in your head-over-heels-in-love friend and pull them back down to Earth. Marie is doing important work. She is not to be disturbed.

4. Sam catches his coworkers gossipping about him

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If this ever happened to me IRL, I would simply quit my job and never return. After Jesse and Emma reunite once he's found alive, Sam accidentally walks in on all of his coworkers insisting that he's...to put it bluntly, "toast." They're all convinced that Emma's going to dump him in favor of Jesse. There's nothing worse as a single person than hearing your coupled-up friends talk about you behind your back. Sam, I feel you!

5. Emma leaves Sam

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If you're perpetually single, chances are you're also familiar with the awkward breakup. Finally some relatable content. Even though Sam and Emma only "soft" breakup, this scene really took me back to all those super uncomfortable goodbyes. And having to do it all while carrying a box of your ex-husband's former belongings? Emma is put through the wringer in this movie.

6. Emma picks up Jesse for their weekend getaway and he looks like THAT

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Quick question. Does Luke Bracey just naturally move in slow motion, or was that an effect that was added in post? Regardless, I think most single people can agree there's nothing like that feeling of seeing a crush all dolled up and looking way better than you remembered. To me, this scene is cinema.

7. Sam tries to text Emma

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When I'm texting someone new, I get at least three pairs of eyes on each and every message I sent. It's basically a focus group test. So when Sam takes as long as he does, trying to figure out just the right thing to say to Emma, given the circumstances, I felt that deep in my soul.

8. Sam stares at the cursed "three dots"

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Speaking of texting drama, this scene is probably the most relatable thing I've ever seen committed to film. All single people know that feeling of watching those dreaded three dots for hours at a time, only for them to disappear completely. Frankly, this scene solidified Sam as the Most Relatable Character of All Time™️. 

9. Emma tells Sam how much she loves him

A couple lies together in bed.

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This scene forced me to stop relating to these characters and instead just feel insanely jealous of them. When Emma tells Sam that she loves him, the first time she's said that to anyone since Jesse, I nearly passed out from the peak levels of romance going on. 

10. Emma refuses to read romance novels

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Okay, I know I said that there's nothing better than leaning into romance books or movies when you're single, but sometimes there's a line. Seeing how heartbroken Emma is over the loss of Jesse in this scene, I don't blame her for not wanting to read anything from her parent's bookstore that has to do with romance or death. Special shoutout to Marie for pointing out that there are probably only three books in existence that don't deal with either.

11. Sam's "therapy session" with his students

A class of students listens to a man talk while eating pizza.

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In this particular instance, when I say "therapy session," I do actually mean "advice from an entire classroom and all of Sam's coworkers," but I think the intent is the same. When Sam is sure that Emma's going to leave him, he gets help from all of his students and the faculty at his school, regaling them all with the story of his love for Emma. If this entire scene isn't me and my group chat talking about someone I've been on two dates with, I don't know what is. Single people everywhere know this vibe well. 

12. Sam's proposal

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It's borderline unconscionable for this movie to give us not one, but TWO completely swoon-worthy proposals in the span of 90 minutes. Frankly, I don't have that kind of constitution. And if Jesse's proposal wasn't enough to get every single person watching this movie to try to jump through their screen, Sam's proposal certainly is. I mean, beautiful music and lighting? An evening out at the theatre? It doesn't get much more romantic than that. Pinning this one to my mood board as well for when I need it most.

Single lovers of romance movies out there, if you haven't already seen One True Loves, this is your sign that you need to watch it! Just bring some ice cream (or maybe even a real-live date!) along with you.

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