13 Celebrities Who've Been Called "Difficult To Work With" (And How They’ve Responded)

3 weeks ago 4

In 2011, she told TMZ, "There will never be a reunion ... as I will never do anything with an a**hole like Will Smith."

However, in 2020, both actors appeared on HBO Max's The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Reunion, and they sorted out their differences.

Janet said that, at the time she left the series, she was pregnant, and she was also in an abusive marriage that her castmates didn't know about.

She said, "There were a lot of things going on in my life and in Will's life as well. There was some friction because I was pregnant. Home life was not good at all. I was no longer laughing, smiling, joking because there were things going on that nobody knew about. The cast had no idea what was going on."

Will said, "During that time of her pregnancy, I wasn't sensitive. I wasn't perceptive. And, you know, now that I've had three kids, I learned some things that I did not know at the time, and I would do things very differently. But I can see where I made the set very difficult for Janet."

She also clarified that she left because she was offered a "bad deal" where she'd get two and a half months of work without being permitted to accept work elsewhere, which would cut her income when she was the only one supporting her family. She said, "I did not accept their offer. I was never fired. So the misconception was always put out there. When I left the show, I had this new baby and no one. Family disowned me. Hollywood disowned me. My family said, 'You've ruined our name.'"

She said that Will's comment contributed to the negativity surrounding her because "calling a Black woman difficult in Hollywood, is the kiss of death."

They both apologized to each other and hugged. They've since remained in touch.

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