14 Times Carrie Bradshaw Was, Like, The Most Selfish Friend No One Deserved

1 year ago 5

I'll never get over Carrie sending Aidan to help Miranda, who was naked and injured, instead of going over herself.

1. When she blew off dinner with Miranda last minute to have dinner with Big.

Carrie telling Miranda over the phone that she blew off their dinner plans because Big was making her veal


2. When Miranda was struggling with being a new mom and Carrie just talked to her about Aidan and what he must think of her since their breakup.

miranda saying she only got one hour of sleep and carrie responding with, do you think aidan think that i think he's disposable


3. When she sent Aidan to help Miranda, who was naked, injured, and immobile.

Miranda lying naked on the floor and Aidan picking her up and carrying her out


4. When she showed up to "comfort" an injured Miranda but used it as an excuse to talk about herself.

Miranda calling Carrie out for bringing her bagels and then talking about Aidan


5. When she blamed Miranda for Big leaving her at the altar.

Carrie blaming Miranda for ruining her marriage because Miranda told Big he was crazy to get married


6. When she guilt-tripped Miranda into staying at lunch after Charlotte made disrespectful comments about Miranda exploring her sexuality.

Carrie convince Miranda to stay at lunch after Charlotte made disrespectful comments about Miranda's sexuality


7. When she completely dismissed Charlotte's concerns about Miranda's drinking.

Charlotte telling Carrie she's concerned about Miranda's drinking and Carrie dismissing it


8. When she threw Charlotte's insecurities in her face just because Charlotte told her it was a bad idea to have dinner with Aidan since Carrie was now married.

charlotte telling carrie she's playing with fire and carrie responding by saying, just because you're worried about your marriage, everyone's gonna cheat


9. When she expected Charlotte to offer her $30,000 so she could pay the down payment to buy her apartment.

Carrie asking Charlotte why she didn't offer her the money and charlotte responding that it's not her job to fix her finances


10. When she was at a benefit for Charlotte's kids' school, saw a guy she went on ONE bad date with, and tried to leave the benefit early even though she was an auction item.

Carrie trying to leave the auction where she is an item but Charlotte stopping her


11. When she body-shamed Samantha after she gained weight.

Charlotte, Miranda, and Carrie all having huge facial reactions when they see Samantha's stomach poking out of her shirt


12. When she judged Samantha after accidentally walking in on her having oral sex with a delivery guy in her office.

Carrie says Samantha would have never walked in on her giving a delivery guy a blowjob because she would never have done that


13. When she pressured Samantha to come to her book launch party after her chemical peel went wrong and then shamed her appearance at the party.

Carrie begging Samantha to come to her party and then shaming Samantha's botched chemical appearance at the party


14. And when she rekindled her romance with Aidan and completely forgot her summer plans with Seema.

carrie saying oh my go i forgot about the hamptons to Seema


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