16 Of The Cringiest Movie And TV Lines That I Still Can't Believe Actors Actually Said

1 year ago 5

No, it's not just "Twilight" quotes.

We've all had that moment when we're watching a show or movie and an actor says a line that makes us *cringe*.

Sometimes I think about how embarrassing it must be for the actor to actually have to say it, so I've rounded up some of the worst examples...

1. "I am a peacock, you gotta let me fly!" – The Other Guys

Sony Pictures Releasing

Okay, don't get me wrong, this is a hilarious movie. But no amount of genius comedy will make up for how much I cringe when I hear this line. Sometimes things can be both funny *and* embarrassing, and that's okay.

2. "You think your life is hard? I'm a high school junior wearing size 13 Nikes. Beat that." – Tall Girl


Look, I understand the sentiment behind this, but it doesn't stop it from feeling like I just dove head first into a Wattpad fanfiction chapter. I know it captures teenage insecurities, but that doesn't stop the line from feeling a little awkward, sorry!

3. "Now dig on this." – Spider-Man 3

Sony Pictures Releasing

Peter Parker performing a jazz dance to make Mary Jane jealous is iconic. Unfortunately, this line did give me the ick. Apart from that though, this was executed to perfection... Just don't do this in real life, please.

4. "I'm going to treat you like my own personal jungle gym." – The Kissing Booth


This feels pretty self-explanatory, but there are some conversations we don't need to see on screen, and this is one of them. When I first witnessed this, I had to pause it for a moment to gather my thoughts.

5. "I guess my heart just doesn't know it's in high school." – High School Musical 3

Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

TBH, it's Troy's empty stare after Gabriella says this that makes me cringe – it changed the whole tone of the scene. Saying that, why did this feel so serious when we were younger? This did not feel like a scene from a Disney movie!

6. "You haven't known the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of high school football." – Riverdale


I'll admit, I haven't kept up with Riverdale, but this scene went viral on TikTok for making viewers cry-laugh. If this is not the most random response to someone talking about how they had to sell hard drugs as a child, then I don't know what is.

7. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm weird. I'm a weirdo. I don't fit in, and I don't wanna fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid hat on?" – Riverdale


I liked Jughead up until this exact moment. After this speech, all I could think was it's really not that deep. Honestly, I think he spent way too long on tumblr, and I would love to never have to watch this scene again.

8. “Oppression Olympics: Let’s go!” – Ginny and Georgia


This whole scene was a car crash, but this one line was just so unserious. From this to Hunter's dance performance, I'll take one of whatever the writers were on when writing this scene.

9. "It's turkey time, gobble gobble." – Gigli

Sony Pictures Releasing

Ben Affleck's reaction is probably the most realistic part of this whole scene, his "huh" spoke to me. Because, what was the reason?! I'm sorry if you haven't watched this, but if I have to see it so do you.

10. "I'm afraid to show people the real me!" – Radio Rebel

Disney Channel

Radio Rebel was one of my favourite Disney channel films growing up, but this scene always made me cringe. There isn't any specific reason as to why, but the whole shouting on a rooftop vibe is really not my thing.

11. "You're like my own personal brand of heroin." – Twilight

Summit Entertainment

I cannot deny that Twilight is one of my favourite franchises, but part of the charm is the cringe. This scene is definitely intended to create some sort of deep, passionate, scary connection between Bella and Edward, but it's so serious that it becomes funny. It's even more cringe if you try and picture how Robert Pattinson would have felt having to say it.

12. "Stretch that tiny little p*ssy." – The Idol


Admittedly, I have yet to watch The Idol, but this scene is enough reason for me to avoid it altogether. If it feels awkward watching it, imagine being on the set, completely quiet as this line is spoken. I mean, they have to continue their day as if this is completely normal? Bizarre, sorry, I don't know how actors do it.

13. "My gold stars are a metaphor for me being a star." – Glee


Apologies, I've only watched a couple episodes of Glee, and I do understand the show's vibe, but this line just felt a little too cheesy for me! However, we definitely all knew someone at school who would have said the exact same thing about being a star, right?

14. "I have a master's degree in American literature. There's nothing I can't handle." – Pretty Little Liars


Okay, I could write an essay on why Ezra's storyline in PLL was incredibly creepy, but this is about being cringe, and he has nailed it here. Unless there's an undertone of sarcasm I'm not picking up on, the seriousness of how he said this line made my insides contort.

15. "Pick me, choose me, love me." – Grey's Anatomy


This scene gave me SO MUCH second-hand embarrassment. I'm ashamed to admit I have probably said something similar to a man before, and maybe that's why this scene makes me wish the ground would swallow me up whenever I hear the audio. Meredith was the OG "pick me" girl, and that's cringe.

16. "I'm such a whore" "Well you're my whore." – The Secret Life Of The American Teenager

ABC Family

I don't know what happened here, but I'm sure the majority of teenagers don't think that saying "you're my whore" is the best response to this, right? I don't know how either of these two actors got through the scene without breaking character.

Did we miss any out? Let us know in the comments!

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