17 Teeny Tiny, Almost Unnoticeable Details From Films That Prove The Writers Were Playing Chess While We Were Playing Checkers

1 year ago 9

The Cornetto trilogy is packed full of fun bits of foreshadowing, but perhaps the best one comes in Shaun of the Dead, where Ed essentially lays out the entire plot in his plan for the day: 

"We'll have a bloody Mary first thing, a bite at the King's Head, a couple at the Little Princess, stagger back here, bang – back at the bar for shots." 

Superficially, this sounds like a plan for a booze-heavy day out, but each thing he says happens in their attempts to fend off the zombies – with a little bit of metaphorical help of course. 

The “bloody Mary first thing” is, of course, the first zombie they kill in the garden, who was called Mary. Then onto "a bite at the King's Head" – while they don't grab a bite to eat, Phillip does get a bite in the neck at their next stop. Then onto grabbing "a couple at the Little Princess" – they go to pick up Shaun's ex (I guess his "little princess"), but also have to take the couple that she lives with. 

The stumbling back is recreated when the group have to pretend to be zombies in order to fit in, and "back to the bar for shots" is fulfilled by them heading to The Winchester for a nice old shootout.  

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