19 “Bad” Plot Decisions That Ruined “Good” TV Shows And Literally Made People Quit Watching

1 year ago 7

Have you ever watched a TV show and been SOOOO disappointed by a plot decision that you completely stopped watching altogether?!

Oh, and needless to say, this post contains 🚨 SPOILERS 🚨.

1. "Every plot decision after Season 1 in Riverdale ruined the show. Why did the show become a random musical? It started off as a murder mystery that had potential!"


2. "Deb being in love with Dexter in Dexter. I don't know what they were thinking."


"And wasn’t this plot line after Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter divorced? Big yikes all around."


3. "When they revealed Luke had a child he didn't know about in Gilmore Girls."


4. "Probably an unpopular opinion, but I hated the fact that they killed off Del at the end of Season 1 of Ozark. He was such a great villain, and even though you got more of him in flashbacks during Season 2, I still felt shortchanged. Also, giving the Snells more screen time really brought down the quality of the show."


5. "When they left the park in Westworld."


"Unfortunately, the writers were very keen to write a commentary on AI in society, and thus drove it in a direction, which as a show in and of itself is interesting, but went a lot further than the source material in this regard. There were two shows there, and neither were done justice."


"Logically, it makes sense to move away from the park, but it changed the series from a sci-fi psychological thriller to a generic action drama."


6. "How I Met Your Mother not re-filming the ending. That ending made zero sense and tossed out years of character growth."


7. "Modern Family jumped the shark way before this, but when Haley ended up with Dylan. So much character development wasted."


8. "Misfits when they started getting rid of the main characters from Season 1."

"They should have ended when Barry left in Season 3. Storyline wise, it was a legitimately perfect place to end the series."


9. "Scully on The X-Files having a baby. Max on Roswell having a baby. Rachel on Friends having a baby. Basically any time a character has a baby, it’s a sign that the writers have run out of ideas."


10. "Any time a police procedural starts focusing on the personal lives of its main cast — which usually happens around the third or fourth season — you know the show is going to diminish in quality. If the show always had part of the focus on the personal lives of the cast, then it's fine, but the second a show that's all about the crimes and how they're solved starts looking at the troubled marriage of the chief, the mysterious past of the lancer, the romantic life of the heart, or the troubled childhood of the brain, you know stuff is gonna suck sooner or later."


"Bones started out split 20/80 between their lives and the plot, but by the end, that had basically reversed."


11. "Time travel in basically anything that isn’t about time travel to begin with. I’m thinking specifically about the last season of Lucifer."


12. "The Blacklist writers almost cruelly withholding answers from the audience year after year after year."


13. "When the town of Agrestic burned down at the end of the third season of Weeds."

"The whole push/pull of Nancy Botwin — and of the whole premise of the show — was that she was a housewife/soccer mom slinging drugs in the most cookie-cutter suburban town filled with the most vanilla, boring people of all time. That was what made the show.

But then, they have a fire destroy the town so that they could move the family out into the world. But at that point, she’s just a woman selling weed.

That’s it. That’s the whole premise now."


14. "Literally the final scene of Killing Eve."


"They also ruined Villanelle. Part of what made her so interesting in Season 1 was how dangerous and unpredictable she was. And I loved how Eve tried to explore her tragic backstory in Season 1, but it turned out that she was always awful. And then the later seasons, they tried to backpedal and show us how she was actually a tragic victim."


15. "Killing Logan in the final moments of the Veronica Mars revival. Damn Rob Thomas."


And finally, behold the literal plethora of Game of Thrones opinions:

16. "Daenerys kinda forgetting about the Iron Fleet in Game of Thrones."


17. "When Game of Thrones started having entire armies wiped out with zero consequences going forward."

"Pretty sure the Ironborn went extinct like three times. Unsullied, kept losing numbers with no way to replenish them throughout the entire show, but still had enough to be a factor up until the very end. Dothraki were literally wiped out in the Winterfell battle, but somehow came back. Even the Lannister army got thrashed in the baggage train battle but was still big enough to defend all of King's Landing."


18. "Daenerys not just going straight to King's Landing and burning the Red Keep down with her three dragons at night when Cersei was sleeping on her first night in Westeros."


19. "Game of Thrones tripped over its own feet after they passed the books and just never stopped stumbling. Just the fact alone that the White Walker climax happened before the sacking of King's Landing completely ruined any threads of suspense that the show still carried."

"I 100% believe the show could have been (mostly) redeemed if it had been Cersei vs. White Walkers first and then let whoever won that battle duke it out with Jon Snow. Instead, we got a pitch black episode where somehow nothing at all really happened.


Answers have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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