19 More Movie Endings That Shocked The Hell Out Of People

1 year ago 5

WARNING: Given the nature of the question being answered, this post does contain SPOILERS for several of the films mentioned. We've placed the film titles first so you can decide which you'd like to read and watch! Please proceed with caution!

Recently, we asked our BuzzFeed Community, "What do you believe is the most 'Holy shit, I did NOT see that coming?!' movie ending of all time? An ending that truly shocked you to your core?" and their excellent answers sparked even more great responses!

So, with that in mind, here are just a few MORE of the most popular scenes shared:

"The ending shocked me. You never expect apocalypse movies to end that honestly; they always have happy endings."


"I know it's so well-known in pop culture now that it isn't in any way a 'surprise' anymore, but imagine sitting in a theater when that film originally came out and seeing *that* ending. I would have been stuck in my seat for a damn week just from the shock of it."


"The ending seriously traumatized me. It still haunts me."

—Trish Moroto, Facebook

"I don’t know if many people know this movie, but the fact that James spent the entire movie trying not to be like his dad only to leave his family shook me."


"It’s an incredible movie with a shocking ending that makes everything click!"


"It's still one of the most shocking scenes I’ve ever watched. People in the theater screamed and gasped, and the dude a couple rows in front of me stood up and shouted, 'What the fuck?!' That was some crazy shit. A very satisfying ending, though!"


"The French version stays with you for a long time. Brutal."

—Ian Michael, Facebook

"Fuck everyone involved in that movie for that ending! It surprised/scared me so bad that I actually cried. I’m a big old baby, and movies make me cry a lot, but never from SHOCK."


"I will never watch it again. Amazing movie, but the ending ruined me."

—Amara Karrels, Facebook

11. The Sixth Sense (1999)

"I mean, COME ON! I'm willing to bet that when that movie came out, no one, absolutely fucking no one actually saw that ending coming! Not to say that there are other movies out there where the ending was absolutely shocking, but The Sixth Sense is definitely at the top of MY list!"


12. The Usual Suspects (1995)

13. The Skeleton Key (2005)

"The ending still haunts me years later."


"For a few brief moments after the final shot, I swear to god, I forgot how to breathe."


15. The Neon Demon (2016)

"It wrecked my brain for, like, a week. I loved the film but will probably never watch it again."

—Alyse Dawn Small, Facebook

"I've never been so surprised by a LACK of cannibalism in a film before."


"The Sam Worthington movie on Netflix. My jaw dropped at the end so hard that it hurt."

—Paola Kaarin, Facebook

19. The Blair Witch Project (1999)

"I went to see it on opening weekend, and every single person in the theater just sat there stunned by the ending. Considering it was the first 'found footage' movie, the whole movie hit hard, but the ending just left you shook."


You've read their responses, but now, it's your turn! What's a movie ending that truly shocked you? Share your pick in the comments below! Oh, and be sure to check out the first list to see if your pick is on there!

Some responses were edited for length and/or clarity.

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