22 Teen Movie Moments That Were Iconic In The 2000s, And Now Laughable

1 year ago 6

Warner Bros. Pictures

17 Again is one of those movies I will always love. It's so stupid, but it's just incredibly nostalgic to me, and I remember having SUCH a crush on Zefron in it. My mom and I used to have an unspoken rule in place that whenever we were channel surfing and realized it was on TV, we had to stop whatever we were doing to watch it. And this was our absolute favorite scene.

 Watching it back now, it's laughable. How do teachers not get involved? Why does Stan just let Mike taunt him like this (as we see later on, Stan's way more physically capable than Mike and can easily beat him in a fight). Why is the whole school on this random new kid's side? Mike's insults are also just so stupid, too...and then he does that lil' basketball routine/dance?!? I cannot. 

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