7 Actors Who Allegedly Had A "No Eye Contact" Rule, And 8 Other Wild On-Set Demands

2 weeks ago 2

On his radio show Carly and Jay, he said, "Years ago, I was working in film security, and I got a call from a company that hired out guards, and they said, 'Do you want a job on the film The Love Guru? I'm like, 'Sure. What will I be doing?' 'Well, you'll be basically guarding Mike Myers's trailer on the film sets, wherever they go.' I'm like, 'Sounds easy enough. I've done this before..' They're like, 'Here's the catch. Can't look at him.' And I'm like, 'I need to look at him to see him to be his bodyguard.' They're like, 'If you look at him, you're gonna get fired. And here's another thing you should know. We really don't know what he looks like right now. He's gonna be in a wig and prosthetics.'

...I'm sitting on the set, first day, first hour, we don't know what he looks like, I don't know what he looks like yet, and I see a man approaching in a long wig with a fake beard, and I'm like 'I think that's Mike Myers.'

And I looked down to not look at him, because I don't want to get fired. But I realize I can let just anyone into the trailer, so I look up, I catch his eye for a second, I give him a nod to let him know I'm cool, and I look away, and within an hour, I get a phone call letting me know that I'm fired, and I have to get off set because I broke this weird rule."

Mike Meyers's rep told Yahoo that the actor didn't have bodyguards on The Love Guru and that he didn't have any knowledge of the incident Jay described.

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