A Clip Of Joshua Jackson Getting Blasted With A Basketball Went Viral, And No One Including Joshua Can Figure Out How They Did It

1 year ago 9

We got another mystery on our hands, BuzzHeads*.

This one involves a clip from Dawson's Creek.

Director Jay Cheel tweeted out a clip of Joshua Jackson getting straight up blasted in the head with a basketball on an episode of Dawson's Creek:

WB/Twitter: @JayCheel

It's intense to say the least!

And now people are trying to figure out how the hell they made the clip.

Was it CGI? Did he actually get hit? How the hell is it that violent?

The man himself, Joshua Jackson caught wind of the tweet, and gave us some more hints.


But then he starts answering people. Nope, it wasn't CGI.

@klaxonsound @Pat_Kc @theguynamedcole @DustinRomeroArt @JayCheel Incorrect. This was 199(7?) we were definitely not using cgi.

12:24 AM - 14 Apr 2023

Twitter: @VancityJax

But that's where were at. This mystery remains open.

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