A Woman Divorced Her Husband And Sent $10,000 To A Scammer Who Convinced Her She Was Dating "Stranger Things" Actor Dacre Montgomery

1 year ago 9

"The day Season 4 came out, the day before he texted me and he said, "Hey, you need to watch episode 4'...and when it came out the next day, he showed up in that episode, and I was like, well, 'Who else would know that?'"

Stranger Things is one of the most popular Netflix original series, with millions of dedicated fans who have fallen in love with the characters and the actors that play them.

Recently, an unidentified online scammer purportedly took advantage of a Stranger Things fan when they pretended to be Dacre Montgomery, who plays the character "Billy" on the show, according to Entertainment Weekly.

Jeff Kravitz / FilmMagic

Pretending to be Dacre, the scammer began an online romance with the victim.

The victim's name is McKayla and she is a single mom from Kentucky. McKayla requested help from a YouTube channel called Catfished to find out if the person she had been in a relationship with was actually Dacre Montgomery.

McKayla looking at her phone

CatFished YouTube Channel / Via youtube.com

With over 200,000 subscribers, the Catfished channel hosts an investigative series that conducts research to determine if people in online relationships are who they say they are. 

According to Catfished's video on McKayla’s experience, which has garnered nearly 600,000 views, the story seemingly began when McKayla joined an online artist forum to connect with other artists.

McKayla's forum post introducing herself online

McKayla began messaging a user on the forum who told her that they were a famous actor named Dacre Montgomery from the Netflix show Stranger Things.

"I'm actually a celebrity that you might've heard of" message written by scammer

CatFished YouTube Channel / Via youtube.com

"I am obsessed with Stranger Things. [His character] Billy is just this bully. He kind of comes in, tries to dominate, which is totally unlike his actual personality," McKayla said according to People. 

After multiple intimate conversations, McKayla revealed that “Montgomery” asked her to be his girlfriend, but never spoke to him via phone call or video chat.

"I'm trying to ask you out lol I want you to be my girlfriend" text written by scammer

After a year of being together, the scammer told McKayla that she needed to make a choice to be in a relationship with him or her husband. McKayla said she told the scammer, "There's no competition, you treat me better."

"I broke up with my husband" text sent by McKayla with photo of her and her ex husband

CatFished YouTube Channel / Via youtube.com

"So, I told my ex-husband, 'It's not working out. You're not letting me be me. You're not letting me be free, so I think you need to leave.'...Within two months, he was gone," McKayla told the Catfished YouTube team. 

McKayla revealed that one of the reasons that made her genuinely believe she was speaking to Montgomery, was that he knew details about new episodes of Stranger Things that would reveal themselves to be true once the episodes aired.

"I have a surprise for you, make sure you watch episode 4 of Stranger Thins tomorrow" text written by scammer

CatFished YouTube Channel / Via youtube.com

"The day Season 4 came out, the day before he texted me and he said, "Hey, you need to watch episode 4'...and when it came out the next day, he showed up in that episode, and I was like, well, 'Who else would know that?'" McKayla told the YouTubers. 

McKayla also shared that another instance that convinced her was when she bought a copy of Montgomery's book, DKMH: Poems By Dacre Montgomery, and the scammer would send her additional poems that she believed matched Montgomery's writing style.

McKayla eventually began sending money to the scammer after he claimed that his girlfriend controlled their joint accounts and he would have to constantly ask Pinnock for money. "I understood that point because my ex was very controlling with our money," McKayla told the YouTubers.

"I might need a little help with money, my queen...Liv has control of all the accounts and I don't have access" text written by scammer

CatFished YouTube Channel / Via youtube.com

McKayla revealed that she began sending $100-200 gift cards to the scammer, which totaled up to around $10,000, that the scammer said he was using to secretly open a separate bank account from his girlfriend, so that he could eventually leave the relationship. 

After sharing all of the evidence she had, the Catfished YouTube team did some research and found information that directly contradicted many things the scammer was telling McKayla.

"I'm busy right now, I was making Lasagna" text with photo of lasagna

CatFished YouTube Channel / Via youtube.com

One example was a text the scammer sent claiming to not be responding because he was cooking, yet the team found that the picture he sent of his lasagna was stolen from Martha Stewart's cookbook.

The scammer had also sent a check to McKayla, that the team found had a fake signature commonly used by online scammers.

Check written to McKayla with a fake signature

"Love makes you do crazy, stupid, irrational things, I promise. And trauma does one heck of a thing to a person. So instead of judging that person on why they did that to a total stranger that they had never met, maybe look and see if that person has been traumatized by something," McKayla said.

McKayla talking to YouTubers via videochat

CatFished YouTube Channel / Via youtube.com

"If you're someone like me, you're afraid of abandonment and you're a real big people pleaser and you're very co-dependent," she said. "These scammers, they just kind of come in and they leech off that." said McKayla, according to People

Online scammers are clever, so here are some tips to protect yourself and your money. According to Scam Watch, you should never give money or personal information to anyone online, never click a link in a message, and contact your bank if you suspect any unusual activity.

You can watch Catfished's episode on McKayla here.

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