"Anything 'Multi-Verse' Makes Me Cringe, But "EEOAO" Absolutely Blew Me Away – People Are Discussing Their Least Favourite Genres And The Movies In Them They Still Love

1 year ago 6

"If I'd known it was a horror film, IDK if I'd have watched it and I'd have totally missed out."

We all have our favourite types of films, and some of us even have genres that we can't really stand. But sometimes there are exceptions that prove the rule, and we fall in love with a film that we'd never usually watch.


So, we recently asked the BuzzFeed Community for the movies they love in genres that they usually avoid, and here are the best responses:

1. Elvis

Warner Bros. Pictures

"Honestly, I don’t like biopics but Elvis was an awesome movie. The acting, cinematography, and soundtrack all hit the spot. I was convinced that some scenes were actually filmed in the 1960s."


2. The Greatest Showman

20th Century Fox

"I am not a musical fan, but I really enjoyed it."


3. Get Out

Universal Pictures

"I can’t stand horror movies, but Jordan Peele’s Get Out is one of my favourite movies of all time. If I'd known beforehand that it was a horror film, I don’t know if I would have watched it and I totally would have missed out."


4. Black Swan

Fox Searchlight Pictures

"I’m typically not a physiological thriller type of person because they mess with my head (which is 100% the point, just not my thing). However, I really loved this film and I thought it was really good."


5. Die Hard

20th Century Studios

"I usually don't care for action films much, they're just not my thing. However, Die Hard is a classic that my brother had to force me to watch for me to see how good it is. It's one of my favourite movies of all time now."


6. Everything Everywhere All At Once


"I usually can't stand sci-fi or fantasy, and the idea of anything 'multi-verse' makes me cringe, but this film absolutely blew me away. It was such a fun, interesting, and emotional way to go about it, and it absolutely won my heart."


7. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

"I’ve grown tired of Marvel films in general, though I admit I really like Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. I feel like I’m in the minority on this one because I personally don’t know anyone else who likes it."


8. La La Land

Summit Entertainment

"I'm not a big fan of musicals. can't say why but I can never sit past the first five mins, but La La Land was just simply amazing. I still listen to the soundtrack and sing along when the mood takes me. You won't still catch me watching a musical though"


9. Iron Man

Paramount Pictures

"I don't get superhero movies but I LOVE Iron Man."


10. Star Wars

20th Century Studios

"See, I’m not much for sci-fi – the names confuse me and I get lost way too easily – but I love the original and sequel trilogies of Star Wars. I can’t stand any other sci-fi movie, but most of the Star Wars movies hit the spot for me."


11. The Founder

The Weinstein Company

"I usually do not like biopics but I adored The Founder. It starts off with this desperate but charming salesman who does everything he possibly can to make a successful life for himself and his wife. Somewhere in the middle, it becomes something very different. I loved that it subverted my expectations."


12. Champions

Focus Features

"I hate sports movies. They are so formulaic and droll to me as someone who doesn't particularly care about sports. It's the only genre I avoid like the plague. But I physically couldn't have stopped myself from loving Champions. What a fun movie I didn't care if it was predictable or if I don't like basketball, that cast is dynamic and there are no dull moments."


13. Legally Blonde

20th Century Studios

"Normally, this kind of movie would leave me cold, but it was on one night, and I found myself rooting for Reese Witherspoon's character. I was touched by how her classmates ended up respecting her because she put the work in, and how her jerk boyfriend got his comeuppance at the end."


14. Kingsman: The Secret Service

20th Century Fox

"I am not big on graphic violent movies or gore (and I know these movies are tame compared to others) but I love the first two Kingsman movies. The scene with Collin Firth in the church was horrific but so amazing."


15. 1917

Universal Pictures

"I hate war movies because they’re all often too patriotic or formulaic but I was hooked in 1917! The cinematography, the acting, the story. 10/10 it's the only war movie I’d watch again."


16. The Departed

Warner Bros. Pictures

"I don't usually go for crime/drama movies, but The Departed is one of my favourite movies."


17. Coco

Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

"I just can’t get into animated movies. Every time someone tells me the latest Disney or Pixar movie was awesome, I try to watch it, but quickly give up. That is until I saw Coco. That movie is awesome! I’ve seen it three times so far, and I always get teary-eyed at the end."


18. The Purge

Universal Pictures

"I absolutely can't stand gore or anything with blood or much violence but I LOVED the Purge series. Honestly, I don't know why I can stomach those movies as opposed to others."


19. Brave

Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

"I have never been a real fan of animated Disney movies, nor Disney Princesses in general, but Brave made me laugh so hard. I loved that Merida was actively trying to discourage her parents from forcing her to choose a prince, and standing up for her own rights as an individual. 

I loved Billy Connelly as King Fergus, and the whole mother/daughter relationship was so touching and really heartfelt. The whole story was lovely and the humour makes it one of my go-to movies when I want a wholesome laugh!"


20. IT

Warner Bros. Pictures

"I’m not usually a fan of horror movies but I do love both IT movies."


21. Django Unchained

Sony Pictures Releasing / Columbia Pictures

"I am not a fan of Westerns, they don't do it for me. That said, Django Unchained is one of my favourite ever movies and my favourite Tarantino film in general. 

It was actually the first Tarantino I saw and I fell in love with it straight away, I especially love the comedy in it! When Christoph Waltz calmly explains to the marshal that he is now owed two hundred dollars it's just *chef's kiss*."


22. Thunderheart

TriStar Pictures

"Thunderheart with Val Kilmer. He plays an FBI agent that goes to a reservation to solve a murder. It's EXCELLENT!"


23. The Day After Tomorrow

20th Century Studios

"I can’t watch disaster movies/end of the world storms because they STRESS ME OUT. But I will always watch The Day After Tomorrow."


24. Atomic Blonde

Focus Features

"I hate hate hate action movies, and generally avoid them like the plague. I often find they really lack narrative and good characters! However, Atomic Blonde was honestly such a thrill. I guess it's a testament to Charlize and Sofia (sorry, but James didn't much) and the storytelling too. Love the time setting also!"


25. A Clockwork Orange

Warner Bros.

"I absolutely HATE horror, however, A Clockwork Orange is incredible. Its setting is unusual and iconic, giving it a different flavour to generic blood and guts horror."


What's a movie you love that's in a genre you tend to avoid? Let us know in the comments below!

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