Every Romantic Scene In "Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story" Ranked By How Single It Made Me Feel

1 year ago 4

I'm going to need all my dating app matches to start telling me how incomparable I am.

🚨 P.S. There are massive spoilers ahead for Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story🚨

The acting is phenomenal (the casting of India Amarteifio as young Charlotte is spot-on), the costumes are stunning, and, of course, there's the soundtrack which features classical renditions of pop songs like Beyoncé's "Halo" and "Nobody Gets Me" by SZA.


Beyond that, it's the beautiful, raw and honest love story between Queen Charlotte and King George that has captivated fans, making this series unforgettable.


Also, let's not forget about Brimsley, Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton all having their own realisations about love and devotion.

So, in honour of that, here are the best romance scenes from Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story, ranked from "sweet" to "be still, my beating heart".


19. When George surprised Charlotte with a gift so that she would never experience the loneliness he felt growing up as king.


Look, the thought was there and the intentions were good — even if Charlotte did call George's gift a "deformed bunny" when she first saw it. But as we see in Bridgerton, Charlotte grows to love the dog and ends up keeping a small army of Pomeranians as her closest companions. So, because of that, this is decidedly a cute moment, but it doesn't inspire any further ~tingling~. 

18. When King George turned into Farmer George and we got to see an entirely different side to him.


How does this play into romance, you ask? Well, after a good day of helping his people in the fields, George decides to have a meal with his wife, Charlotte, for the very first time. And...that's about all I can remember because I got distracted during this scene (and really, I just wanted an excuse to add shirtless Corey Mylchreest in here). 

17. When Charlotte and George shared their first kiss at their wedding — and in that moment, you could already tell that this was going to be a love story for the ages.


I can't get over how George looks and smiles at Charlotte. There's SO much love and admiration there — and this is just after meeting her for the first time too. I may be reading too much into the characters here, but I feel like from George's POV, he would be feeling so safe and at ease after seeing who Charlotte is.

16. When George apologises for ruining their wedding night, only to be given a saving grace by Charlotte.


At this moment, George acknowledges how royally he's fucked up everything, but Charlotte gives him the chance to start over and the hope to move forward. It says a lot about their relationship and how understanding and mature Charlotte is as a character.

15. When Brimsley and Reynolds covertly caressed each other's hands to reaffirm that everything was okay with their relationship.


This is bringing back the hot flushes of Kanthony (aka Kate Sharma and Anthony Bridgerton) and their furtive caresses and secret touches. I live for moments of romance like this — and I especially loved how this one said so much without saying a thing, you know? 

14. When George, after meeting Charlotte for the first time, said that she was "incomparable."


This is a very swoon-worthy compliment. I now want every one of my potential matches to say this to me. It's a crime that a man hasn't said it already, tbh — I'M INCOMPARABLE, GODDAMMIT. 

13. When George sensed that Charlotte was nervous prior to them having sex for the first time, and gave us (I mean, her) this flirty comment to help ease the tension.


I may be projecting, but I feel like George would be the type of guy to lift you up when your self-esteem issues are the worst. Keep praising me, king. 

12. When Augusta couldn't help but marvel at the transformation in her son's demeanour after marrying Charlotte.


Although it's not the most romantic moment, this scene was special in its own way. Remember, George hardly attends social outings, most likely because of his fear surrounding his mental illness. But because Charlotte asked, he attends the Danbury ball and has the most wonderful time simply dancing with his wife — which doesn't go unnoticed by others in the room. 

11. When George stole a glance at Charlotte when discussing how beautiful the planet Venus is.


If the heart eyes emoji was a person in real life, it would match George in this moment. It's a simple gesture that goes unnoticed by Charlotte, but made me smile dumbly at my screen for ages.

10. When George practically fell into Charlotte's arms after she rescued him from Doctor John Monro's torturous "treatments".


Queen Charlotte was on a mission to find her man and she let nothing — I repeat, NOTHING — stand in her way. This scene spoke volumes about how much Charlotte cares for George, especially when right after she says that she cares not for George's sanity, but for his happiness. She is completely and utterly devoted to him, and he is the same to her. 

9. When George and Charlotte turned up the temperature in both the dining hall and bathroom.


Okay, yes, I know we've veered into the spicier side of romance instead of wholesome, inject this into my veins sort of sweetness, but you're lying if you didn't find these moments SIZZLING. The passion, the sexual tension, the casually doing it on the dining hall table that would be hundreds of years old and while all the footmen and maids were in the room?!?!?!?!?!?? Tell me I'm not alone, otherwise, I will be like an ostrich and bury my head into the ground.

8. When Charlotte's immediate response to seeing George suffering from his mental illness was to help him, rather than run away.


This scene, and Charlotte's response, is what changed everything in their relationship. Instead of running away to hide, Charlotte coaxes George back to a safe place. She is understanding, she is strong and she is devoted to him. And although she rightly calls out George and Augusta for lying to her, she never once judges George or thinks less of him because of his mental illness.

7. When Charlotte noticed George's quivering hand and calmed him down through offering her unwavering support.


"You and me" is a phrase that Charlotte often repeats to George and she says it to not only remind him of her support, but to show that he no longer has to be alone in his struggles. Whether it's by a squeeze of her hand, a kiss to distract him from the noise of the world or a supportive phrase, Charlotte is always there to guide George and bring him back down to Earth. And wow, do I feel single right now!

6. When Lord Ledger gifted Lady Agatha Danbury a handmade birthday hat, so that her special day wouldn't pass without someone marking the occasion.


Even though Lord Ledger and Lady Danbury were never officially together, their short, but sweet relationship was exactly what the other person needed at that point in their lives. They both needed a companion who cared about them and a reminder about the sweetness and gentleness of love, as well as the passion that comes with it. Remember, Lady Danbury said that she felt like she didn't have an identity after her husband died because she was essentially groomed to be his wife at a young age. To Lord Danbury, Agatha was property or a prize to behold. To Lord Ledger, she was an actual human being with interests, wants and needs. And you can tell how much this interaction meant to Lady Danbury because the party hat is still one of her most prized possessions years later.

5. When Charlotte said this in response to George telling her that he feels like a "half-king" and "half-man" who is not worthy because of his mental illness.


This is yet another beautiful example of Charlotte being devoted to George and willing him to see himself as she does. I, once again, love how Charlotte doesn't judge George or get frustrated with him hiding underneath the bed. She understands and joins him to show that he'll never, ever be alone. Talk about love persevering through everything, am I right? 

4. When Charlotte urged George to not think about anyone or anything else, except the two of them looking into each other's eyes as they danced the night away.


God, this scene. George was terrified at the prospect of facing both a huge crowd of people and parliament, but through her love and devotion for George, Charlotte manages to anchor him to her — "You and me". Together, forever. 

3. When Brimsely and Reynolds had a quiet moment to themselves where they, too, could partake in the festivities of the ball.


We didn't get enough Brimsely and Reynolds scenes, but this — hands down — has to be one of the best. To see them both so joyous and happy in their own world was the sweetest thing! We then cut to present-day Brimsley who is remembering the joyous times he spent with his forever love.

2. When Charlotte, once again, crawls underneath the bed with George, resulting in him remembering that she didn't leave before their wedding.


This is such a heartbreakingly beautiful moment of romance between Charlotte and George. They see each other as their younger selves, meaning that George — despite his failing health — has never, ever forgotten his love for Lottie. And for Charlotte, seeing younger George just means that she's never forgotten her promise to him. She's as devoted to him as that day when she first crawled underneath the bed to hide from the heavens with him.

1. And lastly, when Charlotte told George that she would stand between the heavens and the Earth for him, which had him finally admit how much he loves her.


I mean, does this even need an explanation? We all want someone to love and adore us as deeply as Charlotte and George do. Honestly, though, I'm going to need my Hinge matches to stop messaging me "u up?" and instead start telling me I'm incomparable and that they would stand between the heavens and Earth for me.

What were your favourite moments from Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story?

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