Geri Halliwell Left The Spice Girls Exactly 25 Years Ago Today– But Mel B Just Told Us Getting All Five Spice Girls Together Is "In The Works"

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I talked to Mel B about a Spice Girls reunion tour, and her answer did not disappoint.

Exactly 25 years ago, the world changed forever.

Geri Halliwell dropped a bombshell that can only be described as one of the darkest days in this universe's timeline: the iconic red-headed, Union Jack-wearing Ginger Spice was officially leaving the Spice Girls.

And while the news would leave the entire planet traumatized and inconsolable for years to come:

screenshots from the movie Scary Movie where a character says "ginger was such an important part of the spice girls"

Scary Movie / Via Dimension Films

The Spice Force 5 would keep girl power-ing it up as a foursome until Geri joined their reunion tour in 2007.

5 spice girls on stage

Mj Kim / Spice Girls LLP via Getty Images

They also reunited at the 2012 Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony in London, obviously because they're the most successful British act since the Beatles. And DON'T you forget it!

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Spice Girls can do "I Want To Hold Your Hand" but the Beatles could never do "Who Do You Think You Are". 

And while their most recent tour in 2019 wasn't too long ago, it just wasn't the same. It was missing Victoria Beckham who was focusing on other things— like fashion moguling, being married to David Beckham, and prepping for her impending feud with daughter-in-law Nicola Peltz.

4 spice girls on stage without posh

Dave J Hogan / Dave J Hogan / Getty Images

Personally, I will take the Spice Girls anyway I can get them (even in just doll form for my collection). BUT, there is something that mega fans want.

Isabella Torchia / Via BuzzFeed

Note from me the author: Scary Spice has the best doll and therefore I am mid-quest to find one in the most mint condition possible. Any leads would be appreciated, this is dire.

And what we really, really want is ANOTHER TOUR with all 5 girls! Scary, Baby, Ginger, Posh and Sporty– united as one, once again restoring the order Geri threw out the window in 1998. IS THIS TOO MUCH TO ASK?

It might be, because Posh has told us countless times it's NOT HAPPENING and NEVER GONNA HAPPEN, SO STOP ASKING. But after I chatted with AJ McLean last month about a Backstreet Boys/ Spice Girls tour rumour, I bravely decided I wasn't gonna listen to Victoria Beckham.

When asked about the likelihood of a Backstreet Boys/ Spice Girls tour, AJ told us "I think it's probably in the low 30s...they've all moved on, they're all doing their own things. But you never know."

Okay, me doing the math: if that combined tour probability is a 30%, then the chance of a Spice Girls reunion tour must be much higher, right? RIGHT? I simply had to go to the source. And that source's name is Mel B— the incomparable Scary Spice.

Ahead of her judging reign on Queen of the Universe (premiering June 2 on Paramount +), I gathered my dolls and sat down with Mel B across the pond to get some answers.

author talking to mel b on zoom

Isabella Torchia / Via BuzzFeed

She looks kinda scared here, and she should be— I wanted answers. 

"My aim is to get all five of us back together. It could be kind of in the works, all five of us are talking", Mel B said when I asked.

Now while that sounds hopeful, I've been put through the ringer when it comes to Spice Girls rumours— so I made sure to confront Mel B about being the one that ALWAYS SEEMS TO START THEM.

"If I say it enough times, it does happen", Mel B responded when I raised my eyebrows. And tbh, I REALLY DO BELIEVE HER! It's called the (girl)power of manifestation people!

What do you think? Are you hanging onto hope like me? Do you think Victoria Beckham will return to the stage once more? Let me know down below!

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