Here Is A TL;DR Summary Of “The Boys’” Controversy After Showrunner Eric Kripke Called A Brutal Sexual Assault Scene “Hilarious” And “Comedic”

2 months ago 9

“Well, that’s a dark way to look at it!” Eric replied. “We view it as hilarious. Obviously, Tek Knight is our version of Batman, and we wanted to really play around with that trope: Batman’s fascist underpinnings as a really wealthy dude who hunts poor people, and then profits of the incarceration. So that was one. Tek Knight was already set up to be a freak, so we were kind of already halfway there.”

“Then the notion came up of, he should have a Batcave — but let’s be honest, the Batcave would be a sex dungeon,” the showrunner continued. “Like, even the real Batcave is just this side of being a sex dungeon. It’s really dark, and there’s rubber suits everywhere. It’s not that much of a push to add a couple dildos and then a weird urinal that turns into a face mask.”

“In the comics, there’s a great storyline where Hughie goes undercover disguised as a superhero,” Eric went on. “That was a story that Jack had always asked us to do. So part of it is, always be careful what you ask the writers for. Then we finally had this Webweaver character and the idea of Spider-Man going down to be kink tickled in the Batcave is just too good to pass up. I’m sorry, I just couldn’t leave that on the table.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Eric added: “I love that it’s just such a perfect setup that he doesn’t know his own safe word. It’s just like a beautiful comedy setup that he’s trying to find it the whole time.”

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