Hold Onto Your Birkin Bags — These Were The 8 Most Outlandish Money Storylines In "And Just Like That..." Season Two

1 year ago 9

In SATC-land, the rich just get richer, but I wholly appreciate the financial diversity brought into this AJLT season. Women like Charlotte or Lisa Todd Wexley are lucky enough to be able to pursue their passions (art and filmmaking, respectively) due to inherited wealth. The same can be said for Carrie who, at this point in time, has probably tackled the grievous credit card debt accrued in her thirties, thanks to her work as a best-selling author and Big's money.

Seema, who also lives an incredibly lavish life, is a self-made woman whose impressive bank account has been earned by selling top-tier real estate in Manhattan. Miranda and Nya are also successful career women, who are shown to be living a bit more modestly than their counterparts.

This season, we see a bit more diversity in terms of financial status, especially when two of the characters lose their jobs. When Carrie, who is still in her podcasting era, is asked to do a sponsored ad on vaginal health, her refusal to do so ends the podcast and, thus, her job. To Carrie, it's not really a big deal. She's still got income from her books and she's set with plenty of money in the bank from the late Mr. Big. We don't see her struggle much with her job loss.

Meanwhile, in LA, Che's stand-up comedy career is suffering, and their TV pilot gets cut, leaving them jobless. This completely rocks Che's world, causing an emotional spiral. To make ends meet, Che resorts to filming Cameos and Airbnbing their apartment until they take a job at a vet's office to pay the bills. This depiction of job loss feels far more relatable for the average person, and it's one of the most realistic depictions of money struggles across the show.

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