"I Had To Take A Break From The Show So I Could Stop Crying About It" – 21 Devastating TV Deaths We're Still Not Over

1 year ago 5

"I was so devastated by the episode and the aftermath that I completely stopped watching the show."

Watching a TV show is a commitment – and a show killing off a character you've watched grow, cuts way too deep.


So, here are 21 TV deaths that tore us apart:

Warning: There are obviously major spoilers for the TV shows mentioned.

1. Sons of Anarchy


"When Opie died in Sons of Anarchy, I was in shock; then the next week's episode with his funeral was even worse!"


2. The Haunting of Hill House


"It had so many sad moments, but Arthur Vance's death was particularly devastating. He was such a nice person; he and Nell were so happy together and his death was so sudden..."


3. The Last of Us


"When Henry and Sam die. I hadn’t played the video game, so I didn’t know about their deaths. About halfway through the episode, you could tell something bad was going to happen. I was absolutely devastated!"


4. ER


"When Mark Greene dies. To this day I can’t watch that episode again, and hearing 'Over the Rainbow' sung by IZ wrecks me every time."


5. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


"Fitz's death in the season five finale. I was so relieved when Mack and May pulled Fitz from the rubble and he casually mentioned that he thought his leg was broken. When Mack realised it was more serious, but Fitz didn't understand, I was an absolute mess. 

I didn't think there was ANY way they could EVER separate Fitzsimmons so it came as a giant shock to me as well. I cry like a baby anytime I watch the clip."


6. Scrubs


"Ben's funeral in Scrubs when JD asks, 'Where do you think we are?' It still destroys me all these years later."


7. The Walking Dead


"The worst was Carl’s death. I was not okay for a full week and had to take a break from the show so I could stop crying about it. It’s still my favourite show, but I do miss him."


8. This Is Us


"When Randall’s dad, William, dies. You know he is sick and you fear that it’s coming, but when it happened… Nothing prepared my emotions for that! I watched the show in college with some of my roommates and I was inconsolable." 


9. Orange is the New Black


"Poussey's death left me completely shattered. She was my favourite character on the show and her death was shocking and horrifying. I was so devastated by the episode and the aftermath that I completely stopped watching the show."


10. The Walking Dead (again)


"It has to be Glenn. He truly was my favourite from the beginning, and I loved him more with Maggie. I was initially so relieved when it was Abraham, while also heartbroken. I will never recover from them making me think my fave character was safe and then BAM... WTF?"


11. Pose


"Candy’s funeral took me about two hours to watch because I was constantly pausing it to sob my eyes out. I haven’t been able to rewatch it because of how gut-wrenching it was."


12. The Newsroom


"For me, it's Charlie's death in the penultimate episode. The slow-mo shot of everyone he'd just been yelling at rushing to help him to the song 'Shenandoah' is so sad. Then Will finally getting out of jail only to be told that his best friend died hours earlier is truly heartbreaking."


13. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The WB / UPN

"When Buffy's mum died – it was so unexpected and so sad. I cried for days!"


14. Downton Abbey


"The episode where Sybil dies from post-birth complications. My whole family was obsessed with the show and I am one of three girls. We all avoided spoilers, so when my older sister and I were watching that episode together and experienced the scene where Sybil passes, we were devastated. I’m talking full-on sobbing. My family was wrecked for a while after that one."


15. Barry


"The final episode, when NoHo Hank dies. He was the best character on the show and all he ever wanted was to be with Cristobal. I know it’s just TV but watching him die on that statue, his face as it all ended, it ruined me."


16. Stranger Things


"It has to be Eddie in Stranger Things. That whole scene was so sad — I can’t stand watching Dustin sob and scream wishing that it’s not happening. When Eddie told Dustin that he had to watch out for the other kids because he was 'actually gonna graduate,' UGH. I cry every time I watch it."


17. Criminal Minds


"The 100th episode of Criminal Minds when Hotch is on the phone he tells Jack to work the case for him, and his ex-wife is murdered while he’s on the phone. I have seen that episode 86 times and I cry every single damn time."


18. Bones


"Vincent Nigel Murray dying broke my heart. He was such a sweet person. His death was a complete shock and his begging not to go made me sob."


19. Game of Thrones

Helen Sloan / HBO

"When Stannis burns his own daughter alive to appease a god so he can win a battle. The way she screams and begs. UGH. And he just walks away. Won’t even look at her. How does a human being get to that point?"


20. NYPD Blue


"The one I always think of first is when Bobby Simone died. Sipowitz was always such a tough guy and seeing him upset pushed me over the edge. I remember sitting on the couch with a box of Kleenex next to me."


21. Jane the Virgin

The CW

"When Michael died. They spend the whole episode building every character up towards a positive direction. They even had that happy and romantic walk down memory lane with Jane and Michael, and then he very suddenly drops dead. Seeing Jane screaming and crying on the phone when she got the news is just such a gut punch after all their talk about the future!"


What are the saddest TV deaths you've seen? Let us know in the comments below!

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