"I Just Wanted Those 90 Or So Minutes Back" – People Are Calling Out The Movies That Don't Live Up To The Hype, And There Are Some Seriously Hot Takes

1 year ago 5

"I thought it was one of the dumbest films I'd ever seen in my life."

We've all been there when we've been sucked into the hype surrounding a movie, and it just hasn't lived up to it. Whether it's all the rage amongst your friends or just a project you're personally excited for, sometimes, those raised expectations can leave you bitterly disappointed.

20th Century Fox

Well, we recently asked the BuzzFeed Community for the films they thought didn't live up to the hype. Here are some of the hottest takes:

1. La La Land


"My friend dragged me to see it cos she was super excited about it. We were both so disappointed to the point that we swore out loud when we realised there was still one season left to go through, and the movie wasn't over yet"


"Everyone gushed about how amazing it was and that the music was great. The whole movie just felt 'meh' to me. Nothing overly exciting happened. To me, it definitely wasn’t worth the hype."


2. There's Something About Mary

20th Century Studios

"Everyone kept telling me how hilarious it was but when I finally saw it, I thought it was one of the dumbest films I'd ever seen in my life. I don't think I laughed even once. I just wanted those 90 or so minutes back."


3. Rise of Planet of the Apes

20th Century Fox

"The original films are so iconic. I was really looking forward to the extension of the universe, but it wasn't what it could have been. The CGI was pretty poor in places too. I liked the inclusion of a father with dementia, but visually it was all off and it lacked soul."


4. Avatar: The Way of Water

20th Century Studios

"It was terrible. I lasted 30 minutes before I decided that I was not gonna give that movie two and a half more hours of my life."


"It was the first movie but with kids – visually amazing but it didn’t need to be that long, the movie was empty. I can remember it perfectly for such a long film and that’s because the same things happened over and over again just to fill the run time."


5. Barbie

Warner Bros. Pictures

"Like, how was it supposed to live up to ALL that hype?? Literally. I thought it was a solid film with excellent visuals and performances, but I found the story a tad confusing. The existentialist stuff was a bit too meandering to me, and I would've liked more focus on Barbie IRL and her relationships than on Ken, tbh. Very open to the idea that some of it went over my head though lol."


6. Hereditary


"Everyone is always going on about how it was such an instant horror classic and how amazing it was, I was actually too scared to watch it for a while. Well, I finally did and it was unengaging and no part of it ever made sense or had any payoff."


7. The Blair Witch Project

Summit Entertainment

"I was expecting something at least interesting. It definitely wasn't." 


8. Asteroid City

Universal Pictures

"It had at least two dozen top-rated actors and an interesting enough premise, but in the end, it was just kind of a mess."


9. Inception

Warner Bros. Pictures

"I got it, but what 'it' was, wasn't very exciting."


10. Nope

Universal Pictures

"The thing is, I can absolutely appreciate it's a well-made, smart, objectively good movie, but I just didn't connect with it. I wanted to love it, my friends were raving and I wanted to be able to join them but I just couldn't. I did enjoy the Gordy sequences, but that was about it for me."


11. Shrek

DreamWorks Pictures

"I love animated movies in general, but this one was such a let-down. The jokes fell flat, the characters weren't all that likeable, and the plot wasn't really memorable. 

There were even plenty of people who thought the film should have been nominated for the Best Picture Oscar, which I absolutely do not see at all. Dreamworks has done some really good animated films over the years, but IMHO this one is not on that list."


12. Avengers: Endgame

Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

" "I hate it, it doesn't make any sense. Plot hole after plot hole, and do not get me started on them killing Black Widow. Is it really shocking that of all the OG Avengers you decide to kill the only woman? It was predictable, and it pissed me off. Aside from Sam getting the shield, it has no redeeming features."


13. The Lord of the Rings

New Line Cinema

"Whenever I say this to someone, they can't believe what they're hearing! Three movies which each last AT LEAST 4 hours for something we know is going to happen. YAWN."


14. Spider-Man: No Way Home

Sony Pictures Releasing

"Oh look, Into The Spider-Verse was super popular, but we didn't get the credit for it. Let's do that same idea in live-action. They break every single rule of multiverse and time travel-type films by changing the trajectory of people's lives, and never addressing the potential repercussions. I'll be honest, I did get a giddy thrill seeing my Spidey again, but otherwise, it's not good."


15. Everything Everywhere All At Once


"I'm still trying to figure out what all the hype was. It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen – two hours I'll never get back. I love Jamie Lee but she did not deserve that Oscar."


16. Mortal Engines

Universal Pictures

"I absolutely loved the books, and the trailer looked amazing. Then came the film. A really disappointing ending that had been changed from the books and ruined any sequel potential. Such a waste of great material!"


17. Jaws

Universal Pictures

"I know it’s considered to be 'one of the best films of all time', but I was just so underwhelmed."


18. The Hobbit

Warner Bros. Pictures

"The silly scenes that are out of place do nothing to advance the plot and are as confusing as a bag of cats. I'm not even getting into the significant changes from the book, the flow of the movies is bad enough.

The first one is ok, the second not so much, and the third is just ok again. These movies could easily be remade better, but Peter Jackson's version doesn't live up to the hype or potential."


19. Knives Out


"I was super excited to see it because of the cast (Chris Evans!!) and all the buzz around it. It starts slow and... Stays slow. I thought it was super boring. It was so obvious who was guilty  that I thought, 'well it won't be him, there will be a twist.' There was a slight twist I guess, but it didn't make up for the slow pace of the entire movie."


20. Napoleon Dynamite

Paramount Pictures

 "I don’t think I laughed once and I never understood the hype. I really wanted to like it because I love stories about quirky characters, but it fell flat for me."


21. Sing 1 & 2

Universal Pictures

"I was so excited to see the first one but man it was so blasé. Mina irritates me to no end and none of the other characters are likable. The second one was a smidge better than the first, but they’re both grating and cringe."


22. Lucy

Universal Pictures

"The trailers made the movie seem like it was going to be this exciting action story. The plot looked interesting – a woman who unlocks full use of her brain and uses it to fight back against all the people who are after her. Instead, it was just a sub-par action film with a plot that kind of... went nowhere. The ending especially was just so anticlimactic."


23. Ghostbusters (2016)

Sony Pictures Releasing

"It was meant to be the next best thing. Instead, it just ruined the legacy of the previous two films and was utter shite."


Editor's note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

What movie did you not understand the hype? Let us know in the comments below!

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