"I Was Dismayed By How They Chose To Adapt It For The Big Screen" – 18 Scenes People Wanted In "Harry Potter" That Got Left Out

1 year ago 9

"Like, Dumbledore in the movie is way too stressed."

Turning books into films is a tough task. Lots of decisions have to be made when choosing what to cut. With Harry Potter, though, there were countless scenes that we wanted to see, but never did.

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In a recent post, I asked what beloved book scenes and details were cut from the films. There were so many Harry Potter suggestions that we thought it deserved its own post. Here are 18 scenes and moments we wish we'd seen in the movies:

1. Fred and George's pranks

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"The fifth book was darker and more serious, but the comic relief and lighter moments came from Fred and George terrorising Umbrige. Yes, they showed the fireworks with them leaving Hogwarts, but where was the swamp?? Give us the swamp!"


2. Harry repairing his wand

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"Harry destroying the Elder Wand in Deathly Hallows Part 2 missed out such a key part. Repair your own wand with it then put it back!"


3. House elves

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"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire completely cut out the entire house elf storyline with Dobby joining Hogwarts, Dobby giving Harry the gillyweed (NOT NEVILLE), and Winkey and her connection to the Barty Crouch situation."


4. Ginny's personality and her Bat-Bogey Hex

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"Ginny's lack of personality in the HP movies still bugs me. They couldn't even give her credit for the Bat-Bogey Hex."


5. The battle of Hogwarts

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"The last fight between Voldemort and Harry in The Deathly Hallows Part 2 is ridiculous! Just let them circle each other and have Voldemort die LIKE A DAMN HUMAN! All that pixelated BS in the end completely missed the point — in the end, he was just a man."


6. The entire Quidditch Wold Cup

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"It was one of my favourite bits of The Goblet Of Fire, and was really one of the first times we saw huge gatherings of international wizards and witches outside of Hogwarts or the Ministry. Also so much happens at the game! I was so disappointed when it just cut back to the tent straight away, it was a travesty." 


7. Regulus Black

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"Regulus never got his moment, he was pivotal to them finding the horcruxes and getting Kreacher on their side."


8. Ludo Bagman

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"Ludo Bagman's entire existence, and Winky for that matter, were completely missed from Goblet of Fire!"


9. Most of Barty Crouch Jr.'s storyline, TBH

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"Barty Crouch Jrs.'s entire history was missing in the films, and they also left out what happened before he faked being Moody."


10. Dudley's tongue incident

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"Dudley and the enormous tongue he gets from the sweet the twins *drop*."


11. Literally any of the interactions between the Weasleys and the Dursleys

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"ANY interaction between the Weasleys and the Dursleys would have been great to see on film! For instance, I would have loved to see the moment when Arthur said 'You're not going to see your nephew for almost a year, won't you say goodbye?' to Vernon."


12. St. Mungo's Hospital

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"I really wanted to see St. Mungo's in the movies. It would have been cool to see all the different magical ailments. Plus, Neville's relationship with the place says a lot about his character, and it would have been nice to have seen what happened to Lockhart."


13. Lots and lots of Prisoner of Azkaban details

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"The movie adaptation of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was atrocious. They took out important bits like the Marauders' back story, when and how Harry got his Firebolt, how Ron got Pigwidgeon, etc. etc. It's my favorite of the Harry Potter books and I was dismayed by how they chose to adapt it for the big screen."


14. Dumbledore's personality and attitude

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"The worst out-of-character moment in the film for me was when Dumbledore was supposed to ask *calmly* if Harry put his name in the goblet. Like, Dumbledore in the movie is way too stressed."


15. Harry's rampage

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"In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix... Harry smashes Dumbledore's office to bits while Dumbledore sits there quietly, letting him work out his grief and anger."


16. Peeves' whole character

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"They did us dirty with Peeves. He would have been such a great character to have in the films just constantly causing mayhem. We'd have also got the classic line, 'give her hell from us, Peeves.'"


17. The O.W.L exams

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"They were such a big deal in the book! Seeing all of the practical examinations would have been interesting, especially the defence against the dark arts ones!"


18. Marvolo and the memories

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"When reading the sixth book, Harry's private 'lessons' with Dumbledore were always an exciting part. They were also really helpful in understanding Tom Riddle's past and the motivation behind the horcruxes. The films completely ignored such a vital part of the books!"


What book scenes were you disappointed not to see in the films? Let us know in the comments below!

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