In Honour Of It Being "Barbie" Month, Here's 19 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Margot Robbie

1 year ago 5

Her superhero movie debut could have been very different!

July is here which means one thing, it's finally time to see Barbie in cinemas as of the 21st! With that in mind, here's some things you probably didn't know about its star:

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She told The Tonight Show "I got more recognised at the Slipknot concert than anywhere else I'd ever been whilst on Neighbours."

2. She did the handcuff stunt – where Harley Quinn unlocks the handcuffs above her head using her feet – in The Suicide Squad herself.

Warner Brothers

James Gunn told Jimmy Kimmel Live that he only realised after the scene was filmed that part of her outfit was covering her face, so people would likely think it was a stunt person. 

3. Her husband was originally her housemate – alongside with five other people she rented a flat with in Clapham on a whim after arriving in London for the premier of Wolf Of Wall Street.

Todd Williamson / NBCU Photo Bank

She told The Guardian: "We kept it a secret. Because we weren’t really taking it seriously. ‘Oh, whatever, we’re just mates, we’re just mates.’ And then… everyone found out.”

“It was dramatic. I’m not going into the details, but shit hit the fan. Our house turned into The Jerry Springer Show for a moment there. But then the dust settled, and it was all good.”

4. She has said she wouldn't have played Barbie if she was the only Barbie in the movie because it would send the wrong message.

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In an interview with TIME she said: “If [Mattel] hadn’t made that change to have a multiplicity of Barbies, I don’t think I would have wanted to attempt to make a Barbie film.” 

“I don’t think you should say, ‘This is the one version of what Barbie is, and that’s what women should aspire to be and look like and act like.’"

5. Sometimes she'd miss Australia so much she would fly there for just one day.

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She told Vogue: "Sometimes I'll go for one day – so a day of flying, one day there, a whole day back – but now I’m getting a little older I am not bouncing back from that journey as easily..."

6. If she wasn't in acting, she'd want to work in pyrotechnics or special effects.


In a BuzzFeed interview she said that she wanted to be a hotel owner-slash-magician as a child, but now reckons her aspirations will always be in movies. 

"I’d need to work on a film set in some capacity — I’d miss that too much — but I’d love to work in pyrotechnics or special effects. That’d be pretty rad."

8. She refused to lose weight for her role as Jane in The Legend ofTarzan so that she could go to the pubs in London.

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She told Australia's TV Week: “It was my first time living in London properly and I wanted to try every pub." 

"If she’s got a bit of weight on her, it’s probably a good thing. I’m not going to look thin just for the sake of it.”

9. And speaking of London, when living there she was a big fan of the nightclub Infernos in Clapham.

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She claimed: “Everyone looks a mess. By the time I make it to Infernos, I look so revolting that nobody’s going to look twice.”

10. Though she's of course now playing the iconic character, she's not sure if she ever actually owned a Barbie growing up.

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“I don’t think I did,” she told Vogue. “I know my cousin had a bunch of Barbies, and I’d go to her house.” She says she spent a lot of time building forts, known as "cubbies" in Australia. 

11. She often uses "animal work" in acting where she studies the characteristics of certain wildlife and applies them to who she is playing. For example in Babylon, she decided the character Nellie was an octopus and a honey badger.

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She said that this did not work for Barbie, and instead listened to an episode of the podcast This American Life that Greta Gerwig sent her, about a woman who doesn't have introspection. 

12. They had a dialect coach come in for Neighbours to make her sound less Australian.

Network 10

In an interview with Quentin Tarantino for Vogue she explained: "My Australian accent as it was then was very, very Australian."

13. She wrote Quentin Tarantino a letter saying she'd like to work with him before appearing in Once Upon A Time in Hollywood.

Columbia Pictures

She said that after I, Tonya she thought "‘Now I’m happy with my acting. I feel like I’ve reached the stage where this body of work will show people what I can do as an actor. Now I’m ready to chat with Quentin Tarantino and write that letter.’ I remember agonising over everything – the paper, the pen, how I was going to write it – big, small, spaced out. "

15. Prior to her fame, Margot used to be a sandwich artist at Subway, but doesn't go there much now because she gets frustrated when she sees people make them badly.

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Margot said in her Hot Ones interview: "I think I was really good at it though, because I you know would really spread everything out to the edges evenly — the right amount of everything,"

"I actually don't go that often anymore, because I watch them make it badly — and I'm upset."

16. Margot is pretty handy with a tattoo gun – she tattooed her cast mates on Suicide Squad, and said in 2018 that she'd probably done around 100 tattoo.

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She was telling the story on The Graham Norton Show, and went on to tattoo one of the production staff!

17. It turns out that she's allergic to chicken egg whites, so they had to make the egg sandwich scene in Birds of Prey with duck eggs.

Warner Brothers

She explained: "I love egg sandwiches, but they give me migraines if I eat them. So when we did the scene, they actually had to make them with duck eggs, which are very delicious."

18. Remember that Fantastic Four movie that came out in 2015? Well, she could have been in it playing Sue Storm alongside Miles Teller, Michael B, Jordan, and Jamie Bell!

20th Century Fox

“I didn’t really resonate with the script,” she said. “I haven’t seen the movie, so I don’t really know how it turned out different from the page.” It seems like it turned out for the best, as it means she got to make her superhero movie debut as Harley Quinn instead. 

19. She was nervous to play Queen Elizabeth I in 2018's Mary Queen of Scots and almost turned it down.

Perfect World Pictures

She said: "I'm not classically trained, I don't know anything about the time period," and felt she didn't deserve it until director Josie Rourke convinced her otherwise by explaining she didn't want Margot to play a queen, but a woman. 

Are there any Margot facts we missed? Let us know in the comments below!

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