People Are Revealing The Beloved Fictional Character They Actually Believe Is A Huge Jerk, And They've Kind Of Got A Point

1 year ago 6

"What’s funny is that the director has said on multiple occasions that she’s meant to be a bad person — but people still want to be her anyway."

Have you ever watched a favorite TV show or movie and realized that one (or more) of the "beloved" fictional characters are actually assholes?

Well, it seems like a lot of people agree because when Reddit user u/Free-Tackle2433 asked: "Which beloved fictional character is actually an asshole?" — thousands over people over replied with their thoughts. Here's what they had to say below:

1. "Glinda the Good Witch. She knew all along how to send Dorothy home but put her life in danger in order to kill the Wicked Witch of the West for her."

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"Also, she’s shady AF. Dorothy tells her that she thought witches are old and ugly and she laughs and says that’s only bad witches. Good witches are beautiful. THEN…THEN she asks Dorothy ‘So are you a good witch, or a bad witch?’"


2. "Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory. I mean, this guy would be unbearable in real life."

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"I think the main reason the others tolerate him is because he saved their ass after they almost gave up rocket fuel secrets to the North Koreans and prevented their deaths from an explosion, which is why the elevator is broken."


3. "Severus Snape. The movies made him loveable because Alan Rickman is a great fucking actor — but in the books, Snape is one of the cruelest characters."

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"Lily would slap the shit out of him if she saw how he treated Harry at school."


"I find it incredible how Snape's redeeming grace is his love for Lily, yet for six years straight, in everyday life, he chose his hatred of James over his love for Lily all the fucking time."


7. "Grandpa Joe from Willy Wonka."

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"'Damn right! 'I can’t walk, I can’t walk. Oh… What? You have an amazingly fun opportunity for me? I just remembered that I can actually dance around the room.'

I wonder what that fraud did when he got home from the factory. There were definitely going be a few side eyes. 'You’re cool to get a job now, Joe… right?'"


"As I have gotten older, I now realize that a bed with four decrepit grandparents in it must have stunk to high heaven. The chocolate factory must have smelt amazing to young Charlie just because it didn't reek of old people."


8. "Fred Flintstone is often portrayed as well-meaning but the number of times he's screwed over his friends and family trying to get ahead makes him greedy and untrustworthy."

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Hanna-Barbera / Via

9. "Most of the main characters in How I Met Your Mother."

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"I fucking hate Lily. Not just because she's a terrible person, all of the main cast except for Marshall are pretty shitty people (and Marshall to an extent for enabling their behavior) — but my main issue with Lily is how often her terrible behavior is written in a way that makes her seem right."


10. "Daniel/Mrs. Doubtfire. You are out of work, the judge is going to give you three months to get your shit together with a neutral liaison, and then revisit custody after that time period. You go and commit fraud and psychological abuse to your ex-wife, kids, and her new companion. You even assaulted (not sure if that's the legal charge) and possibly almost kill her new companion. You just might be a psycho."

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12. "Rory Gilmore, especially in A Year in the Life. She was awful."

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"Rory is the quintessential example of the main character of a show eventually becoming the villain. And not because of any extenuating circumstances or hard choices that needed to be made. She isn’t put into an impossible situation where she must make a decision between two bad options, she’s just an asshole."


14. "Pretty much every single character on The Office."

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"You leave my guy Kevin out of this, right now."


"I saw someone do a full breakdown of how much Jim would have spent on his pranks against Dwight — it was tens of thousands of dollars, including babysitting costs, morse code lessons, and hired actors. He spent thousands making Dwight miserable just because it was funny. It makes for incredible TV but he's objectively a terrible person."


15. "Steve Rogers. Tony pointed out in Civil War that Steve would airdrop in, beat up bad guys, cause as much collateral damage as possible, fly away, and let someone clean up the mess. The very next scene was Bucky getting free and Steve putting an entire Budapest swat team in traction and causing a few hundred thousand Euros in damage trying to 'save' Bucky."

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16. "Mary Poppins. In the movie, she has some good points; however, in books, she is a perfect Victorian nann, that is a mean vicious tyrant who embodies all the bad Victorian beliefs about children and child-rearing."

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17. "Link [from Zelda] smashing my barrels and stealing my arrows and apples for fuck sake."

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“Oh, there is a nice sword just sitting here in this stable. I’ll take it. I’ll also take this stuff I found in a private residence that I walked into without permission."


18. "Santa Claus in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Rudolph couldn’t play reindeer games because of his 'non-conformity.'"

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Is there a beloved fictional character that you believe is a complete asshole? If so, tell us who you think and why in the comments below:

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