People Are Sharing The 31 Worst Movies To Watch With Your Family

4 weeks ago 4

There's nothing quite like the family movie-watching experience. We've all watched countless movies with family, but sometimes, one film-watching experience will scar you for life. Reddit user SWANSEAAAAAAAA recently asked users in the popular subreddit r/AskReddit, What’s the worst movie to watch with the family? Here are some of the very best entries that will have you cringing and asking HOW THE HELL DID YOU WATCH THAT WITH FAMILY MEMBERS?:

1. "Fifty Shades of Grey. Nothing like awkwardly sitting through a BDSM scene with your parents."


2. "My parents took me to Ted, thinking it was just a movie about a teddy bear who came to life."


3. "Poor Things. I blindly took my grandmother to see it. It’s a fantastic film but definitely not something to take a casual hallmark-movie-watcher into blindly."


"Yeah, it goes from 0-60 in, like, .05 seconds."


"I think I clocked it doing 69 at one point…"


4. "My religious grandpa and uncle took my little sister to see Sausage Party when she was a tween because it looked like a fun kid's movie. Needless to say, it was an awkward drive home."


5. I watched Brokeback Mountain with my mom. I was an adult at the time, so it wasn't too weird, but yeah."


6. "I’m sure there are plenty worse, but I saw Borat in theaters with my dad and brother when I was in high school, and I thought I was just going to melt into oblivion or spontaneously combust."


7. "I saw Seven with my mom once, not knowing the subject matter ahead of time. The 'lust' part was particularly awkward."


8. "I love getting movie recommendations from Reddit. We all love psychological thrillers. Reddit recommended Requiem for a Dream. I chose that for a family movie night with the teens. I talked it up so much because of everyone who raved about it. The movie ended, none of us could speak, and I am pretty sure in the future, there will be therapy sessions that start with, 'Mom made us watch Requiem for a Dream.' Lesson learned to always double-check Reddit recommendations to not traumatize family"


9. "There’s Something About Mary. When Ben Stiller was j*rking off and got j*zz on his ear. That was really awkward around the family. Funny scene, though, except I couldn’t laugh.


11. "This may be case-specific, but for me, it was Chicago. My dad loved musicals, so I asked him if he'd go see the movie with me because I'd already seen it and loved it and thought he'd like it. What I had forgotten is that 'Overture/All that Jazz' is the music behind a sensual club act, and Roxie & Fred basically having sex up the stairs (and then actually having sex). My dad was the prudest prude that ever did prude, and I just sank into my theater seat until it was over. The rest of the movie wasn't as *overtly* sexy, so we got through, but for those three minutes, I wanted to die."


12. "I watched Team America: World Police while my elderly aunt was in town. The only parts of the movie she came into the room for were the vomit scene and puppet sex, of course."


13. "I watched Fight Club with my dad. He got up and walked out of the living room, and I’ve never felt worse since."


"Did you tell him not to talk about fight club?"


14. "My Dad once thought putting on Deliverance during family movie night was a good idea, but that was uncomfortable."


15. "How has nobody mentioned EuroTrip?"


16. "My little brother and I vividly remember Silence of the Lambs as a family movie night. I was in 6th or 7th grade, perhaps. Mom was so terrified at the end she was shaking."


17. "Airplane. I was 14 when it came out, and my parents took me to see it along with their older couple of friends...I had to sit through jiggling boobs, double entendre jokes, and a woman blowing up Otto the autopilot through his manual inflation tube."


18. "One Christmas many years ago, my family and I decided to see a movie once we were done with presents, food, etc. So my sister, brother, and I took my very religious father to the theater without a real plan of what to see. 'There's a new Martin Scorsese opening today,' I said. 'Let's go see that!' The movie was The Wolf of Wall Street."


"Drugs, sex, prostitution every five minutes."


19. "My parents were watching Bridesmaids, and I decided to join them as I hadn’t seen it yet. I only got about 3-4 minutes into the plot where the lead actress was describing her one-night stands’ balls slapping her in the face before I decided I could not sit through the movie with them. As a point of note, I still have not seen Bridesmaids to this day."


20. "Pan's Labyrinth. Fantastic film, but clearly, my parents don't remember exactly what that film was about cause they put it on for me when I was 9, thinking, 'Oh, she likes dark and creepy shit, she'll like Pan's Labyrinth,' and about 10 minutes into the movie, this guy's getting his face beaten in with a bottle right in front of his dad. Good times."


21. "My little sister had our grandpa take her to American Pie as a teen. It was awkward as hell for both of them."


22. "This is far from the worst, but I suggested watching Munich with the family one time, forgetting about the angry sex scene."


23. The one that got me twice was Monty Python's The Meaning of Life. Specifically the John Cleese sex ed scene. Sat through it once with my parents and again years later with my own kids. Really uncomfortable. Ironically, it's excellent sex ed!


24. The Human Centipede. I saw it not knowing anything other than it was a 'horror' movie. Still one of the biggest mistakes of my life. Definitely on my list of 'things I wish I could turn back time and stop myself from watching' list."


25. "Mom and I went to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I was 16 and horrified."


26. "Looking back, Caligula was a bold choice."


27. "The orgy scene in Bram Stoker's Dracula was a tough one to be seated between my parents for, as a teen, at the theater, there for my younger sibling's birthday."


28. "I saw Man on the Moon in the theatre with my parents when I was 15. I was sitting next to my mom, and none of us knew Andy Kaufman was about to wrestle two topless women. It was awkward."


29. The last time I decided to watch a movie with Mom and Dad, it was American Sniper. It was all okay until the part Chris fucks his gf and made everyone clearly uncomfortable, so that was the last time I ever watched a movie with family"


30. "Saltburn. Drinking period blood. Drinking used bath water. F*cking a grave."


31. And finally, "When I was four and my brother was six, my father came back from the video store with our first-ever video rental. The movie store clerk told him it was a really funny movie. Needless to say, we figured out very quickly that Porky’s is not a family-friendly movie."


Was there a movie that had you cringing with your parents in the same room? Comment below and vent about it!

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