People Are Sharing The Movie Endings They Truly Didn't See Coming, And Holy Heck

1 year ago 5

WARNING: Given the nature of the question being answered, this post does contain SPOILERS for every single one of the mentioned films. We've placed the film titles first so you can decide which you'd like to read and watch! Please proceed with caution!

We recently asked members of our BuzzFeed Community, "What do you believe is the most 'Holy shit, I did NOT see that coming?!' movie ending of all time? An ending that truly shocked you to your core?" and you better believe they came through with some excellent responses!

So, with that in mind, here are just a few of the most popular scenes shared:

"I am not a fan of the genre or the series, but I’d have to go with the first Saw movie. I went to see it with someone who really wanted to see it, and the crowd was so blown away by the reveal at the end that there was shouting."


2. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

"Infinity War absolutely wins this debate. Like, when you combine A) the complete shock factor of a superhero movie ending with the heroes losing, with B) the pure spectacle of it, considering the movie didn’t just end with them losing and half the universe dying, but also actually showing half the main characters fade to nothing, and C) adding in pure viewer numbers and social impact, it reigns undefeated in this category. Also, the fact that it was just understood that no one was allowed to spoil that ending. I mean, I saw it a week and a half after it first came out, and not a single person in the theater with me knew what was coming. It definitely takes the cake."


"I obviously knew something weird was going on the whole movie, but couldn't quite put a finger on it. I never saw that ending coming."


"I never had a movie affect me the way this movie did. 'WHATS IN THE BOX?!' I thought about that movie for weeks after I saw it."


"For me it suddenly all clicked into place, and I was like, 'OH, THEY KNEW EACH OTHER!'"


"The end when we find out the whole movie takes place in 2001 just by the ending. As the camera zooms out, we see Robert Pattinson's character is waiting for his dad in one of the top floor offices of one of the twin towers, and then the camera cuts to his sister's school, and the date on the chalkboard says September 11, 2001. Then, you see family and friends at his funeral. Still one of the wildest endings to a movie I've ever seen, like nothing in that movie gave away exactly what year it was nor the month or the fact that we were going to be approaching a tragic event in our nation's history."


10. Promising Young Woman (2020)

"Over the last few years, I have become quite jaded when watching movies. Nothing has shocked or fazed me or really held my interest. But the ending of this movie made my jaw drop because of how unexpected it was! It's been a while since I have been that shocked!"


11. The Conversation (1974)

12. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)

"The theater audience left both stunned and eerily silent."


13. Cinema Paradiso (1988)

"Easily one of the most beautiful films ever made. I was blown away by the ending, and definitely did not see it coming. Salvatore, the protagonist, is now a famous movie director. He returns home to attend the funeral of Alfredo, his mentor. He learns Alfredo has left him a final, special gift. Seeing his legacy, as Ennio Morricone’s incomparable score plays in the background, made Alfredo, me, and everyone I have ever known cry silent tears of joy and wonder."


"I was buying the happy ending and glad a historical movie ended on a positive note, only to find how deceived I was by the narrator."


"The ending is so shocking and so twisted; it still sends chills down my spine!"


"I didn’t even like the movie, but I was still confused by the twists and turns."


17. Very Bad Things (1998)

"This movie is full of 'Holy shit, I did NOT see that coming!' scenes, and the ending is no different. I love it so much."


18. American History X (1998)

"It's one of the only movies that I didn’t get 'spoiled' before watching. It’s a brutal movie, but definitely worth watching. I’d say more, but yeah, just watch it."


"The ending to this movie had me stuck on the couch for the entire end credits."


"The ending happened so quickly and unexpectedly. I’ll always remember it."


21. Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

"I sat in the theater for 10 minutes after in shock."


"This movie was so incredibly raw, and the 'matter-of-factness' with which that final scene was shot — I felt like I was watching something illegal. I almost forgot it was acting. For those of you who don't know, proceed with caution. I think I let that VHS tape run to the absolute end of its reel before I found the strength to stand up and turn off the VCR after it finished."


"I sat on my couch for five minutes while the credits rolled with my mouth hanging open in shock."


"Susie Bannion turning out to be Master Suspiriorum was a shock, especially when Helena Markos was the Suspiriorum in the 1977 version."


"The first time I watched it, it gave me goosebumps when he steps out of the car! If you haven't see it, I won't spoil it."


27. Final Destination 5 (2011)

"After watching them all, the fifth ending threw me for an absolute loop! I wasn’t even thinking they were going to go there until I was like, 'OMG, they are on the plane. They are going to Paris!' Then it hit me that the fifth movie takes place before all the other movies. It was a complete mind trip, and I loved it! I never saw it coming!"


You've read their responses, but now it's your turn! What's a movie ending that truly shocked you? Share your pick in the comments below!

Some responses were edited for length and/or clarity.

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