People Are Sharing TV Shows That Had Sooo Much Potential But Ended Up Crushing Our Hopes And Dreams

1 year ago 5

"It's weird how important True Blood was for a while, and now it is almost forgotten. They really messed up."

Recently, Reddit user u/Tan2daCam posed the question, "What TV show were you completely obsessed with before losing interest before it ended?" Here are some of the top-voted responses:

1. Once Upon a Time

Jack Rowand / ABC / Courtesy: Everett Collection

"It was such an interesting concept until you realize that every season kept repeating the formula of 'evil villain puts a spell on the whole town.'"


"Once Elsa from Frozen showed up, I was done."


2. The Walking Dead

AMC / Via

"For me, it was Negan. To believe that a group of bad*sses who literally ripped peoples' throats out with their teeth to save their own and traveled all the way from GA to DC, enduring everything thrown at them, just rolled over like that? I was done. I tried watching it a few more times after, and suddenly people who could headshot a mofo from a football field away with a damn pistol couldn’t hit someone 20 feet in front of them. Turned into G.I. Joe accuracy lol."


3. Riverdale

The CW Network / Courtesy Everett Collection

"When I heard it was coming out back in 2017, I was so excited, especially because I grew up reading Archie comics. Then as the show progressed, I eventually just completely lost interest."


"As each story got more and more farfetched, I was laughing harder and harder about it with my coworkers, until it just got to a point where it felt like we were kindergarten kids trying to top each other with boasting and tall tales. I also realized I did not care for any characters."


4. Lucifer

John P. Fleenor /Netflix / Courtesy Everett Collection

"It started out really captivating, and I loved the idea of it. It had great characters and some decent character development...but then it just kept dragging things out and went from the focus of crime-solving to drama, which just played the same tropes over and over."


5. Westworld

HBO / Via

"It was such a fantastic premise, the world building was amazing, and then they blew it. Absolutely blew it."


6. The 100

Diyah Pera / The CW Network / Courtesy Everett Collection

"Got so interesting, so many twists, believable that something like this could happen (to a point), but then they ruined the main character and had another person control her brain and body and said it was irreversible. So, same actor, but now acting like a different person got confusing, made me annoyed, and killed my interest."


"I always tell people to stop watching after Season 5. Let that shot of them looking out at Alpha be the dramatic end to the science fiction story because Season 6 and 7 are a fiction show with no actual science, imo."


7. Grey's Anatomy

Eric McCandless / ABC / Courtesy: Everett Collection

"The show died when a certain person died in a car crash. There’s just no happy ending after that. You can’t build a show like that and just kill off one of the pillars. Plus, what they did to Karev was unforgivable. It was Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother all over again, erasing years of character development with the swish of a pen."


"It also lost the spark the earlier seasons had."


8. Orange Is the New Black

JoJo Whilden / Netflix / courtesy Everett Collection

"It was already going off the rails in Season 3. I intended to watch Season 4, but wasn't really motivated to. Once I heard about a certain character's traumatic death, I decided never to watch it."


"That death scene was painful. I stopped watching during the riot."


9. True Blood

HBO / Via

"I watched until they started introducing were-everythings. That and the fairies. I found myself wanting to clean rather than watch, LOL, so I stopped watching."


"It's weird how important that show was for a while, and now it is almost forgotten. They really f*cked up. Could have still been going with multiple spinoffs if they had kept it at the pre-fairy levels of camp fun."


"I didn’t mind the fairies that much; it was Bill becoming god that really went off the rails for me."


10. The Blacklist

David Giesbrecht / NBC/Courtesy Everett Collection

"YES! I keep telling myself I want to go back and see what ends up happening, but I’m just not into it now. I was deeply into it during the first few seasons – James Spader knocked it out of the park."


"When you stretch your mystery so long that no one gives a f*ck about the answer anymore. Show is terrible past Season 4."


11. The Flash

Jack Rowand / The CW / Courtesy Everett Collection

"I can't remember exactly when, but I lost interest once I realized that the answer to every problem was 'Barry must run faster' and every explanation was 'because speedforce.'"


12. Shameless

Paul Sarkis / Showtime Networks Inc./Courtesy Everet / Everett Collection

"Seasons 1–5 were amazing. 6 and 7 were decent. 8 was a struggle to finish, and at 9, I was just losing interest completely."


13. Misfits

E4 / Via

"So good at first that as it gets bad, the good carries through. Every person I have turned onto the show bails on the exact same episode. The Rudy-falls-in-love-with-a-nun episode."


14. Supernatural

Diyah Pera / The CW / Courtesy: Everett Collection

"I think I made it to Season 9. They made a recurring character a werewolf off-screen, and I was like, 'This is stupid, why am I still watching this?'"


"I wish they would have ended it at Season 5 like they intended originally for the the show."


15. Dexter

Showtime Networks Inc. / ©Showtime Networks Inc./Courtesy Everett Collection

"It gets slightly better toward the end but nowhere near the first few seasons."


16. Glee

20th Century Fox/Courtesy Everett Collection

"After the original class graduated high school, the show couldn't make sense anymore. The alumni couldn't just hang out at their old high school. That would be weird and unhealthy."


17. Weeds

Jordin Althaus / Showtime / Courtesy Everett Collection

"I got tired of her just continuing to do stupid sh*t. I feel like there're other shows like that, but this is the main one that comes to mind."


"Weeds Season 1 was this incredible show. Family dealing with the loss of the dad due to cancer, mom starts selling weed to pay the bills. Funny, silly premise, but also super sad. Season 2 leaned into comedy, and after Season 3 when it got out of suburbia, the show got terrible."


18. And finally, one we can all agree on: Game of Thrones

HBO / Via

"I still watched to the end, but it was more out of morbid curiosity than for actual enjoyment of the show."


Which show did you absolutely love before it went off the rails? LMK in the comments below!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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