Douglas L. Coleman

Douglas L. Coleman was a scientist and professor emeritus at the Jackson Laboratory, in Bar Harbor, Maine. His work predicted that there exists a hormone that can cause mice... Wikipedia

  • Born:  Douglas Leonard Coleman, October 6, 1931, Stratford, Ontario, Canada
  • Age at death:  82 years
  • Died:  April 16, 2014, Lamoine, Maine, United States
  • Fields:  Physiology, Biochemistry
  • Institutions:  Jackson Laboratory
  • Education:  McMaster University (BSc), University of Wisconsin–Madison (PhD)
  • Thesis:  Studies on the saturation of sterols by intestinal bacteria (1958)
  • Known for:  Prediction of the existence of leptin
  • Notable awards:  Canada Gairdner International Award, Shaw Prize in Life science and Medicine, Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research, BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award, King Faisal International Prize in Medicine
  • Children:  3
  • Data source:  DuckDuckGo
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