"This Film Cut Right Through To My Soul" – 15 Movies That Genuinely Changed Our Lives

1 month ago 2

"It was so different from everything I'd seen before."

Some films can truly have a lasting impact on us. And u/ScholarNervous8705 recently asked r/MovieSuggestions for "the movies that changed your life FOREVER." Here are some of the best responses:


1. Office Space

Two characters from "Office Space", one in shirt and suspenders (John C. McGinley), the other in a suit and tie (Paul Wilson), sit at a conference table

20th Century Fox

"Inspired me to quit a job I hated and it really turned out for the better."


2. The Matrix

Carrie-Anne Moss and Keanu Reeves in The Matrix, wearing black leather outfits and sunglasses, walking through a building with weapons

Warner Bros.

"Not for its action, special effects, or soundtrack (all of which were great). But it was one of the first movies that kinda slapped me in the face and made me think about consciousness, the power of the mind, and the possibility that the everyday life we lead could actually be fabricated and manipulated by forces outside our control.

That film made me stop and think for a while and I think it was the seed that led me to take a keen interest into human psychology."


3. Dead Poets Society

Robin Williams, smiling, holds a book in a classroom setting, engaging with students in the front row

Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

"As a young teenager when the film came out, it was definitely a seminal coming-of-age inspirational film for me. I should re-watch at 50... Carpe Diem!"


4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Truman Show

Jim Carrey wearing a suit points and laughs on the left; Kate Winslet, with vibrant hair, eats while looking out on the right

Paramount Pictures / Focus Features

"That movie really stuck with me since I saw it as a kid, as well as led me to The Truman Show, one of my favourite movies. These two films have been a big inspiration for a series I wrote and am currently developing, and they both hold up at the top of my personal movie ranking list to this day. 

There's a lot of films that have similar storytelling that I am a fan of, but these two films are really what showed me how in-depth a story can be."


6. Se7en

Brad Pitt, wearing a white shirt with suspenders, looks urgently over his shoulder in a scene from the movie "Se7en"

New Line Cinema

"It was the first movie that completely unnerved me. I had no idea what was going to happen, and as I watched it I had no idea how it would end. Who was John Doe? Why was he doing what he did? Was he the Devil? Was he working alone?"


7. The Bridge on the River Kwai

A scene from "The Bridge on the River Kwai" with two men in military attire standing in shallow water with a wooden bridge in the background

Columbia Pictures

"It made me wonder at the futility of all things that men did; war, institutions, and rules."


8. Spirited Away

Chihiro and No-Face sit on a red bench in a train from the animated film "Spirited Away". A small creature is perched by Chihiro. An unknown silhouetted figure is seated to the right


"I’m 29 and I’ve watched it approximately 100+ times since I first got it on DVD when I was six… Incredible movie. The soundtrack alone brings me to tears."


9. Into the Wild

Emile Hirsch sits on a worn-out couch in a desert, hitchhiking with his thumb up, surrounded by camping gear

Paramount Vantage

"I watched it when I was around 15/16 and I’ve never had a film impact me quite in the same way. Gave me a feeling of peaceful hope and freedom. Had that realisation of my life stretching out in front of me in a supremely positive way – a beautiful revelation at 16."


10. Moonlight

Man and child embrace in the ocean with smiles, enjoying the water and each other's company


"It says so much about the journey surrounding masculinity, shame, the impacts of trauma, and homosexuality in toxic environments. I'm not Black but I saw so much of myself in this one. I could resonate with so many of the impacts of trauma that were shown. If I spent time really analysing it I could probably write an essay on what it says about masculinity and trauma."


11. Nomadland

Chloe Zhao and Frances McDormand share a light moment; Zhao touches McDormand's head as they stand next to a vehicle in a desert landscape

Searchlight Pictures

"I feel like this film cut right through to my soul. It conveyed the loneliness and isolation I deal with, the feeling of being a wandering soul in life. I felt deeply connected to it. 

I don't necessarily want to live that nomadic lifestyle (although for some there is no choice) but I felt like my solitary nature that I feel was on display and that it gave it dignity and validation as a valid way to live life. It also shows ways to reconnect to nature that so many of us have forgotten in our modern lives. There was just something about it that I connected to on a deep foundational level."


12. Pulp Fiction

John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson in a scene from Pulp Fiction, both pointing guns in suits with ties, in a dimly lit room

Miramax Films

"It was so different from everything I'd seen before. I was an impressionable 17-year-old and loved movies, but until that point, that was mostly mainstream cinema."


13. The Star Wars trilogy

Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford as Star Wars characters Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo, standing together and looking off-screen

20th Century Studios

"I grew up with them in the '80s and they absolutely formed me as far as making me forever throw myself into my creativity and always striving to make something new I hadn’t seen before when I draw. Still lives inside me, now. I think it’s an absolutely valid comment!"


14. It's Such a Beautiful Day

Illustration of two stick figures, one with a hat and the other with a bow, holding hands in a serene, sunlit forest

Cinemad Presents

"It broke me, it's so good. It changed my understanding of cinema."


15. 2001: A Space Odyssey

 A Space Odyssey."


"Used to be on BBC on New Year’s Day back in the '80s. I just sat there watching it (on a small screen) but drove an interest in sci-fi that stayed with me."


What films changed your life? Let us know in the comments below!

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