This Is What It's Actually Like Visiting SUR — The OG Los Angeles Restaurant From "Vanderpump Rules" — In 2023

1 year ago 7

Hello, and welcome. If you're reading this, you're either a diehard Vanderpump Rules fan like we are, you just learned about the show due to all the recent drama that's been blowing up the internet — also known as "Scandoval" — or, you clicked on this article because you're like, "what the heck is a SUR???" Regardless, you're here and we're thankful for that!!!


To give you a quick rundown, there are multiple restaurants within the VPR universe — there's PUMP, TomTom, and Schwartz and Sandy's (which we visited and had MANY THOUGHTS about) in Los Angeles. There are also two more restaurants in Las Vegas, which we have not yet visited but hope to one day (Lisa, sponsor us!!!).

But none of these dining establishments are quite as legendary as SUR, which stands for Sexy Unique Restaurant.

Sometimes also referred to as "SUR Restaurant" which would mean "Sexy Unique Restaurant Restaurant." We love that.

SUR first blessed our TV screens in 2013 as the home base for the show Vanderpump Rules and since then it's become a mainstay on the show for reality TV gold. It's the place where Jax Taylor and Laura-Leigh hooked up in the bathroom. It's the place where Kristen Doute brought Miami Girl and told manager Diana to "suck a d*ck" in front of multiple customers. And it's the place where James Kennedy told Jax to make some more PUMP-TINIS, giving us maybe one of the funniest lines in TV history.


Hallowed ground, truly.

But the year is now 2023, and we wanted to know what the vibe at SUR is like a whole 10 years later. Seeing as how we both live in LA and make this show our entire personality, it only made sense to drive over to West Hollywood and experience it for ourselves again.

An exterior shot of SUR


So, without further ado, let's get into it! First things first, the exterior had changed a bit since the last time either of us were here. However, the sanctuary-like entrance still stands and is hard to miss.

A photo of the entrance

Shelby Heinrich

Obviously, being the long-time fans of the show that both of us are, we had been here before. But it's been years! 

After we got checked in — we had a reservation for "outdoor seating" at 6:30 p.m. on a Thursday night — we surveyed the situation and noticed the iconic SUR Rules sign still hanging in one of the entryways.

A photo of the entrance

Shelby Heinrich

The hostess — who was NOT Lala, Charli, or anyone who has yet appeared on the show — took us to our table in the back garden area which we will now be referring to as "Vibey Garden Area."

A shot of the garden area

Lara Parker

As the night went on, there were LOTS of people seated in our area and they were all fans of the show. We chatted with our table neighbors who were trying to hit up SUR and PUMP in one night, and Lara even overheard someone tell their friends they wanted to be seated facing the dining room so they could "look for cast members" (lol).

We were seated under a glass ceiling that gave us a cute view of some trees above us or whatever. Chic!

A view of the ceiling

Lara Parker

Here's a look at the area around our table in the Vibey Garden Area.

Shelby Heinrich

There were LOTS of Buddhas used as decor, despite the fact that we're 99.999999% sure Lisa Vanderpump is not a practicing Buddhist.

After we were seated and took a look around, we were handed menus that we immediately took arty photos of. And yes, the flowers at the table were real — we know how much LVP loves a flower — but slightly wilted.

A shot of the menu at SUR

Lara Parker

PS, approximately 28 seconds after Lara snapped this photo, we witnessed none other than sometime-VPR cast member and actual SUR employee Peter Madrigal tell a table that he was "SUR-viving" after being asked how he was. Iconic.

Without even OPENING the menus — drink menu seen below — we knew we would be ordering at least two things: a Pump-tini (which is actually NOT on the menu, but you can still order it), and the goat cheese balls.

A shot of the drink menu

Lara Parker

As you can see below, the "fried goat cheese balls" — which feature a mango chutney and crostini — cost a whopping $18.

A shot of the regular menu

Shelby Heinrich

As we said, we knew we had to order a Pumptini, and this is what it looked like! This drink was also a whopping $18.

And here's Lara in our little corner seat with the Pumptini.

Shot of author with pumptini drink

Lara Parker

Lara's thoughts on the Pumptini: Our server (SHOUTOUT TO GABBY, WE LOVE YOU GIRL!!) told me beforehand that this drink was a sweet one, and she wasn't lying! It was a little too sweet for me, personally, but I can't say I wasn't warned. The sugar rim and raspberry topping was a nice touch. But I am confident that if I had drank more than one of these babies, my head would feel it the next morning, and not in a good way. But it's pretty, if not overpriced. 

Another drink that's mentioned all the time on the show is the Big Pinky, so we also knew we had to order that. Here's Shelby taking a lil' selfie with it:

Shelby Heinrich

Shelby's thoughts on the Big Pinky: Although I think this should probably be a $12–13 cocktail (it cost $18), it was actually pretty good! Very refreshing but also VERY sweet. It was indeed big, and it was indeed pink. I think if I came again I would order something else just to try something new, but it was fun drinking a piece of VPR history. Def a must-order if you're a fan of the show and it's your first time!!!

At long last, it was finally time to try the goat cheese balls — aka the stuff of legend. For $18, we got four balls, and one of them had fallen off of the crostini when it got to our table. We almost put it back to try and get a prettier picture but decided to leave it as is to show you the #real experience.

A top down shot of the goat cheese balls

Lara Parker

BTW, in years past when we visited this restaurant, the goat cheese balls were $12 but only came with three. Times have changed! 

And let's just get this out of the way now: despite being wildly overpriced, these goat cheese balls are freaking good. The fried outside was really crispy and when you bit down on them, it was like a bomb of goat cheese flavor. We're both fans of the goat cheese life so we thoroughly enjoyed this entire experience, but if you're not a goat cheese fan, you probably will NOT like these, so take that how you will.

Interior shot of one goat cheese ball

Shelby Heinrich

The mango chutney and crostini were also pretty good! Except we were kinda like, "How the heck are we supposed to eat all this in one bite?" (Spoiler alert, we didn't.) Ultimately, we WOULD absolutely order these little suckers again, but we would internally cry about the price (just a little.) 

Because we were once again operating on a budget, we didn't end up ordering fries, but our table neighbors sure did, and they literally didn't eat a single bite and left them UNTOUCHED right next to us. We thought about asking them if we could have the fries as they were leaving, but decided that would be weird and just snapped this pic instead. They looked delicious, TBH. We think they might have been full or had bad taste. Unconfirmed!

A photo of another table with french fries

Lara Parker

After we got started with our drinks and the goat cheese ball appetizer, we were ready for a bathroom break. And, as superfans of the show, we obviously knew we were going to take a bathroom break and see if we could find the bathroom where Jax and Laura-Leigh famously hooked up (IYKYK). We have zero idea if this is *the* bathroom, but we're going to tell you about our bathroom experience anyway. At first glance, it seemed like a pretty standard bathroom (with a mini chandelier in it because we know Lisa LOVES an over-the-top light fixture)!

A photo of the inside of the bathroom

Shelby Heinrich

But soon things took a turn: in the actual bathroom stalls (there were two with toilets) there seemed to be absolutely zero light, and we didn't see any switches to turn a light on in the stalls. In fact, when Lara first went inside, she met a fellow SUR goer who informed her that "she had just peed in the dark."

A photo of the inside of the bathroom

Shelby Heinrich

As you can see above — no light!!! 

So, after looking around and failing to find a light switch in the actual bathroom stalls, we both LITERALLY PEED IN THE DARK. And we don't mean like, "moonlight dark." We mean like, COULD NOT SEE THE TOILET SEAT WITHOUT PHONE FLASHLIGHT ASSISTANCE dark. It was weird, to say the least.

Shelby Heinrich, Lara Parker

Like, are we dumb? Or is the bathroom not user-friendly? Since both of us failed to find the switch, and Lara witnessed at least two other people who also peed in the dark, we are going with "not user-friendly."

Here's a text Lara sent her Bravo group chat mere seconds after braving the dark stall to empty her bladder.

A screencap of a text

Lara Parker

After we returned to our table, obviously a little shaken, we decided to order some entrees since we were still pretty hungry (two goat cheese balls each were not enough to satiate us). Shelby ordered the Rigatoni A La Norma (IT'S NOT ABOUT THE PASTA), which came with spicy tomato sauce, ricotta, and eggplant. It was a whopping $28!!!!

A shot of the pasta dish

Shelby Heinrich

Shelby's thoughts: I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this! The pasta was cooked very well and the sauce tasted yummy. But was it worth $28? Absolutely not. I feel like pasta dishes in LA are always overpriced, but this one was basically just rigatoni marinara!! For almost $30!!!

And Lara went with a boring (but iconic, because who doesn't love a Caesar???) Caesar salad. It was $20!

A shot of the Caesar Salad

Lara Parker

Lara's thoughts: I was dealing with dietary restrictions on this day, and settled for a Caesar salad because it seems pretty difficult to fuck up. And honestly, they didn't fuck it up at all! It was actually quite good and I would most definitely order it again if I found myself at SUR Restaurant with $20 to spare. 

In the end, we finished our drinks and most of our food, but started to have serious doubts about whether SUR would still be open in 2023 if it weren't for the show. From the medicore-to-decent food that was wayyyy overpriced to every single diner (including us) being a fan, it didn't seem like a place the people of West Hollywood would go to on the regular. Like, is anyone ordering from SUR on DoorDash? Let us know.

A shot of the Big Pinky

Shelby Heinrich

HOWEVER, one thing we absolutely loved about the experience was our server Gabby. Not only did she take 19 pictures of us when we asked for a single photo, but she even brought us free tap water after we finished our bottled water because we mentioned we were ballin' on a budget, and she knew we'd get charged for more bottled water. A true queen! We referred to her as Queen Gabby for the rest of the night. So Lisa, if you're reading this, give that woman a raise!!!

A shot of the bottled water on the table

Shelby Heinrich

BTW, later that night, as we were scrolling on Instagram we noticed that there's a chance that Gabby might even be featured on the show next season according to this IG post from the official SUR Rules Instagram account????? If so that means we basically met a Bravolebrity, and for that, we are eternally grateful. 

After finishing off our final bits of food and drink, we decided to brave the bathrooms once again, fully prepared with our phone flashlights in tow. However, this time, a kind woman showed Lara where the light switch was. It was by the sink (not near the stalls) and immediately turned on the light in the stall! A MIRACLE!

A shot of the bathroom stall

Lara Parker

And here's a selfie Lara took in the stall once the light (outside of the stall) was actually turned on. Was it the Pumptini? Was it Lara not understanding how restaurant bathrooms work anymore after three years of life in a COVID world? Unclear! But in the end, she peed in the light, and for that she is grateful.

A selfie Lara took in the bathroom

Lara Parker

After that, it was time to bid SUR adieu, but not before getting a picture with Peter, aka the manager and one of the few from the VPR cast members who actually still works at the restaurant. In our quest to find him, we passed many iconic spots, like the very bar where Scheana performed "Good As Gold" at her own engagement party wearing wedge sneakers...

Shelby Heinrich, Bravo

We also saw Jesse Montana and Guillermo, FWIW.

...and the very DJ booth where James threw countless See You Next Tuesday's and LITERALLY told Jax to make more Pumptinis!!!! A full circle moment!!!

An interior shot of SUR

Shelby Heinrich

There was also this giant plant that doesn't really have anything to do with the show, but was very much a vibe.

Interior shot of SUR

Lara Parker

When we finally caught up to Peter there was an actual line of fans waiting to take pictures with him (like we said, every single person there was a fan!) so we patiently waited our turn. When it was finally our moment, we were def a little starstruck!!! Peter also absolutely roasted Shelby for not knowing how to use the flash on her phone, and taught her how (helpful but embarrassing).

A photo of author Lara and Peter

Lara Parker

After snapping our pics, we told Peter about this piece we would be writing to see if he'd answer some questions, and he said yes! When asked if things have been busier lately thanks to the Scandoval drama, he said that there's been about a "10% uptick" in business since the scandal broke. He also said he's #TeamAriana, "all day, every day, and twice on Sundays." We love to hear it!

A selfie of the authors with Peter

Lara Parker

**He also told us about how he's trying to sell a TV show but after a lot of sugary alcohol, we glazed. Sorry, Peter.

And that concluded our night out at SUR. Sadly, we did not have any access to the back alley where so many iconic fights took place, but there's always next time! Also, as we were leaving there was a line of people waiting to get in, and a bouncer let us out by unhooking a velvet rope like the place had become some kind of club. We were too stunned to take a picture, so you'll just have to trust us.


Conclusion: this place is a must-dine if you're a fan of the show and we (fans of the show) had a night we'll never forget (especially the peeing in the dark portion). But make sure to go in with reasonable expectations — the food and drinks are perfectly fine, but MEGA overpriced. If you know that going in, you should be fine. And make sure to order the goat cheese balls (THAT'S A MUST)!!!! Ta-ta for now!!

And be sure to stream Vanderpump Rules on Peacock now!

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