Which TV Show Ending Was So Bad That It Ruined The Entire Series For You?

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Remember when Pretty Little Liars said "NAH!" to seven years' worth of fan theories by introducing a completely new character during the final episode?!

As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end — and that includes beloved TV shows. Some build up a beautiful narrative arc in the last season that ties up loose ends and gives viewers a satisfying conclusion to remember the series by. But more often than not, TV shows fumble the bag and instead deliver a spectacularly disappointing finale that ends up providing more questions than answers.


For example, Pretty Little Liars undid seven years' worth of fan theories and clues by introducing an entirely new plot line and character to reveal who "A.D." really was in the final episode.


Let's be real. Having Alex Drake, aka Spencer's long-lost identical twin sister (complete with a terrible British accent from Troian Bellisario) as A.D. was just about the laziest, most unimaginative, and random ending that none of us saw coming for PLL. It felt like such a waste of the big reveal fans had been waiting for.

Similarly, Gossip Girl lost all sense of rhyme and reason during its final episode when Dan Humphrey revealed that he was Gossip Girl all along.

The CW

I refuse to accept this to this day because it just doesn't make sense. There are so many scenes where Dan is visibly surprised at Gossip Girl updates — even when he's by himself. It's a massive plot hole. 

And let's not forget about the shitshow ending to Game Of Thrones, which basically destroyed the legacy of the series.


It's been redeemed by House Of The Dragon, but man, oh man, it's sad how a series that dominated pop culture conversations was essentially forgotten about because of how badly the ending screwed up everything. From Daenarys' mad queen descent (and death), to Bran ending up as king, nearly every decision made was wrong. The only good thing to come out of the final episode was Sansa finally becoming Queen of the North.

Alright, now it's your turn to vent in the comments. What TV show set itself for a great ending, only to completely mess things up in the final episode? The best answers will be selected for an upcoming BuzzFeed article.

Also, if I've already talked about a series you wanted to vent about, feel free to add on your opinion! 

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