Why testosterone is so important for women during menopause | Letter

2 months ago 4

Your headline (‘Frightening’ how easily women can get hold of testosterone, say doctors, 5 July) is shaming and disempowering for menopausal women. Testosterone is an essential female hormone, and we should feel no shame about asking for it to be topped up. Women are turning to private prescriptions because they are refused help on the NHS, and the majority of GPs have not been properly educated on the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines on testosterone replacement in menopause.

Also, the suggestion that many women are “using it as an anabolic steroid, like it is used for doping in sport” is absolutely unproven. What we do know from a 2022 review is testosterone is important for vulvovaginal and urethral health, and sexual function. Also, low testosterone in older women correlates with low bone density.
Kate Muir
Author, Everything You Need to Know About the Menopause

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