"You're A Worm With A Mustache": The "Vanderpump Rules" Reunion Was Absolute Must-Watch Television

1 year ago 10

Well, well, well. Here we are. Another week, another deeply unhinged yet fascinating look into Raquel Leviss and Tom Sandoval's hidden-yet-not-so-hidden monthslong affair. Except this week, aka REUNION PART ONE, we have now established the affair and finally get to hear from all of the main players.

All of that to say, the first reunion episode of Vanderpump Rules Season 10 aired last night, and it's time to GET INTO IT.

This week's episode — Season 10, Episode 16, Reunion Part One — is the the reunion we've all been (or at least, I HAVE BEEN!!) frothing at the mouth for since this entire scandal broke mere months ago. And it kicks off immediately with the reunion teaser trailer that I have personally already watched no less than 37 times. And yet I still have chills???? "Tom, you are in love?" asks Andy Cohen. KJDHKWJFHWJWUIHAHAH!!! I CAN'T. OK, anyway, composing myself. Let's get started.

We immediately get white text on a black screen overlay — which any Bravo aficionado knows means shit is about to get GOOD — announcing that in a reunion FIRST "Andy sat down separately with the principals of of the scandal to hear their sides of the story." Then we get an immediate teaser of a 1:1 sit-down between Andy Cohen and Tom Sandoval where he tells him "it kinda seems like you're the most hated man in America right now." Which, tbh, no, there are a lot of men to hate in America, but it's close!

After the white text on black screen overlay, we begin to get snippets of each 1-1 sit down interview, of which there are three total. Host Andy Cohen sat down 1:1 with Ariana, Tom Sandoval, and Raquel. Side-note: the 1:1 interviews include different outfits than they wore to the reunion and features Raquel wearing a suit blazer which did make me laugh. TBH, at first I found this format kind of hard to follow because it cuts back and forth between each separate interview and I convinced myself that this was all still the preview for what is about to come when, in fact, I believe this is simply the reunion. Now that I have figured it out, I am glued to the screen.

In her 1-1, Ariana shares that it took Raquel "48 whole hours" to reach out to her and Ariana responded to call her a RAT before blocking her. She also noted that Tom has been sleeping in the guest room. Which, I wonder to myself, may be the very guest room he hooked up with Raquel in while Ariana slept peacefully unaware that two of the most important people in her life were actively and gleefully betraying her.

After Raquel stated that she was "preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best" (slight delusional vibes), we see Andy straight up ask Tom Sandoval when he and Raquel first slept together and he shares his little story about how it was the week after the guys' night at the Mondrian that Raquel and Charli crashed. And the actual affair start was, apparently, the very night that James' girlfriend Ally saw them at the Abbey. She knew.

Andy also asks Ariana about the whole hindsight being 20/20 thing and asked if there were any potential signs that she has now reconsidered. She said it was more from Raquel than Tom Sandoval because "men are trash." Amen.

The big question on everyone's mind, says Andy Cohen to Tom Sandoval, is how the hell did you get to a place of cheating on your girlfriend of NINE YEARS with her GOOD FRIEND? And what does Tom Sandoval reply? Some gibberish about how they "had a lot of issues" and "kept their relationship private" and that "HE FELT LIKE HER GAY BFF." I'm sorry, what? Also even if that were true, would a gay BFF do this to their "BFF"???? No, no they would not. Leave the gay BFFs out of this, Tom Sandoval.

Tom Sandoval then claims that he and Ariana put on a front while filming to hide their issues, and that *HE* desperately wanted to film their so-called "issues." They then show a flashback of Tom Sandoval telling the Vanderpump Rules showrunner in September 2022 that he "feels guilty" because other people are "putting themselves out there" and it "isn't fair." Call me a skeptic, but it seems pretty fucking clear to me that the only reason he decided they suddenly had issues that needed to be ON DISPLAY (Melissa Gorga reference, IYKYK) is so that he looked like less of an asshole when we all eventually found out about his whole "being in love and actively sleeping with Raquel" thing.

When asked by Andy if she felt like she and Tom Sandoval hid their issues from the show, Ariana responded, "I feel like I always showed everything," before noting that Tom Sandoval is now "throwing anything at the wall right now hoping that it will stick." She then says that Tom Sandoval used to COACH HER the same way that he is COACHING RACHEL (she actually called her Rachel too, lol) to make sure they "have their lies right." Ariana then notes that she has experienced the anger stage of this breakup but that right now "the indifference is very strong."

Ok, 1 on 1 interviews are done, and we are now heading into the regular ole reunion format that we have grown to appreciate and love. We see clips of the cast getting ready, which shows Ariana telling Scheana that she "looks amazing" only for Scheana to note that "she's probably lost five pounds in the last two weeks" to which Ariana responds "same, stress will do that to you." I am LAUGHING at Scheana's ability to make any situation about herself, but also I hope that everyone on the show is able to nourish themselves as much as they need to or want to!!

FINALLY, all of our reality tv stars are here and on the stage. LVP walks out noting that she loves everyone on the stage — questionable taste — before saying that Ariana's dress is "a revenge dress if she's ever seen one." And btw, I am loving all the behind-the-scenes looks they are giving us. Give us all the shots of these people in the dressing room! Show us more of Raquel sitting alone in a trailer! It seems that Bravo has finally learned that they can break the fourth wall on their shows and fans will only love them more for it.

And, the official reunion now begins. Andy notes that he is joined by the cast of Vanderpump Rules with ONE exception being Miss Raquel Leviss due to her whole restraining order drama who we then see is sitting in a trailer somewhere on set watching a live view of the stage. Bleak — and also fitting.

Andy asks LVP how she's feeling about the reunion today and she notes that she "normally doesn't like reunions but this one is needed" before Ariana shares that she usually feels nervous before reunions but slept peacefully before this one and feels ready. I love this for her. Andy also notes that James Kennedy is now seemingly the #1 guy in this group — more proof here — and he responds that it's not difficult to do when he's competing against "Schwartz and a clown." LOL

Then — thank GOD — we get right into the affair. Andy asks Tom Sandoval if he has anything he wants to say to the group or Ariana and he gives us his best performance of tears for approximately TWO SECONDS before James Kennedy and Ariana tell him to "pull himself together" because he's "not a victim." James is already being so James and for that, I am truly grateful. Tom Sandoval then thanks the group for being there for Ariana because of "what happened" to which Ariana says, "Nothing happened. You did it."

Andy then pivots over to Lala to ask about her situation with Randall and she shares that she believes Tom Sandoval is Randall Emmett, that Randall refused to leave their home they shared together as well, and that she believes Tom Sandoval is a "dangerous human being." Cut to Lisa Vanderpump interjecting to argue with Lala in defense of Tom Sandoval which is sooo classic LVP. Honestly, I understand that everyone on this stage has done somewhat questionable things on TV in front of our eyes over the last decade, but is NOW the time to jump in to defend Tom Sandoval of all people?

I am attempting to move on from LVP's low-key internalized misogyny!!! Next, we see Andy ask Ariana if she believed that she and Tom Sandoval's lack of quality time contributed to "a divide in the relationship" to which Ariana responds, "No, I think he caused the divide in the relationship because he was fucking other people." Then LVP chimes in again to note that "fucking Raquel" is different than "fucking other people" as if we didn't see Tom Sandoval admit to other affairs in last week's finale episode.

Andy then brings up the fact that Tom Sandoval has repeatedly stated that he and Ariana had a lack of intimacy and hadn't slept together in years or months or whatever. To which Ariana 1) denies and says is untrue and that they had been intimate and then 2) brilliantly reminds us all that even if it were true, this DOES NOT EXCUSE A DAMN THING. Ariana then notes that it feels victim blame-y again because it is attempting to justify something that is not justifiable.

Andy asked Tom Sandoval why he didn't just come clean and James Kennedy interjects to ask Tom Sandoval why he didn't share with his friends, to which Ariana noted that Tom Sandoval and James Kennedy were "like brothers." Tom Sandoval denies this and says they "only text like once a month." And before I can blink, James Kennedy has left his seat and is charging in the general direction of Tom Sandoval screaming about how he made mistakes when he was 21, but Tom Sandoval is "42." Andy has to get involved. A lot is said, including James Kennedy calling Tom Sandoval a "pussy ass bitch."

Before James Kennedy leaves the stage "to pee" he screams "YOU'RE A WORM WITH A MUSTACHE!" to Tom Sandoval, which is both hilarious and deeply accurate. The moment we have all been waiting for, and it delivered and then some.

Back to the affair and the very important conversations that need to be had, Schwartz is asked when he first found out about the affair and you can tell this man rehearsed in the mirror to make sure his story was STRAIGHT. But, despite his obvious preparation, it's still very much giving "I am lying."

Schwartz FINALLY gets back on track and says that he was probably told in "late August" to which Tom Sandoval immediately interjects and is like, "Late August?" Clearly Schwartz has gone rogue and now things are getting juicy. Lala even asks, "Did you guys not put your timelines together to match?" She is on fire this season. Let's call it as it is.

Schwartz goes on to share that when he mentioned that Raquel "may have had a crush on someone else" earlier in the season he WAS referring to Tom Sandoval, "subconsciously or whatever" because he's "not an idiot." And later that same day Tom Sandoval allegedly came clean about the "one-night stand" with Raquel and that after that things went back to "normal." Or, as normal as things can be when your BFF Tom Sandy is actively cheating on his long-term partner (who was also IN YOUR FUCKING BRIDAL PARTY) and you are most definitely covering for him!

He then shared that "throughout the fall, leading up to the new year, they spent an inappropriate amount of time together." You mean like it wasn't cool for Tom Sandoval to spend a weekend in Big Bear with Raquel, you, and Jo without Ariana? Groundbreaking revelations over here.

Tom Sandoval and Tom Schwartz both vehemently deny that Schwartz' (now obviously) fake affair with Raquel was any sort of cover for the real affair, but I am not remotely convinced, and neither is Katie. AND THEN MIAMI GIRL IS BROUGHT UP!!! Tom Sandoval says he "hadn't felt single in like five years" for a reasoning as to why he clearly slept with Miami Girl which is sooooo interesting considering that this man acts single even when he isn't!

Andy then reminds us all that before #Scandoval even broke, this cast was going through three "seismic" break-ups (Katie and Tom Schwartz, Lala and Randall, and Raquel and James.) And it's a needed reminder because it's wild that we went into this season fully focusing on Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney's divorce and now it's BARELY A RIPPLE OR A THOUGHT IN MY LITTLE BRAIN!!

Tom Schwartz shares that the divorce "was the most intense moment of his life" but that he did sort of see it coming. He also then seems to low-key suggest that he had a lot going on in his life during that time but "wouldn't expect her to stay through that" which sounds like something who is blaming Katie for the divorce instead of looking at his own actions would say!! 

Tom Schwartz then shares that he "wouldn't care" if Katie hooked up with someone in the friend group and while that may be true, that doesn't necessarily mean that Katie has to share that same mindset. He then goes on to share that she divorced him during one of the lowest moments of his life and then began hooking up with people while they were still living under the same roof and that he believes if the roles were reversed it wouldn't be ok. I'll be honest, even if this was logical and made sense — and it kind of does, to an extent — I don't care. Because Tom Schwartz sucks and has sucked for years. I believe these are the consequences of his own actions. And that's where I am at! OK???

With that, Andy Cohen then brings up that this is "a group of cheaters" and literally goes around the room sharing what every single person has done on the cheating scale (except for Katie and LVP.) It seems that Andy has forgotten or declined to mention Katie's alleged "motorboating of a dick" from season 3, and for that, I am grateful. Because that was one of the dumbest storylines I have personally had to live through.

While I get what Andy is saying in this segment, Lala responds that this is different because none of these were instances of people fucking their best friend's man. She has a point. 

Back to Katie and Tom Schwartz. Katie shares that she doesn't really consider Schwartz a friend because he can't respect the single boundary she established (don't make out with Raquel.) James Kennedy interjects and says, "You're a man, she's a woman, that's the least you could do." Schwartz responds that this is "sexist" and OF COURSE our current least favorite Tom (Tom Sandoval) chimes in to agree. I would like them both to write me 500 words on how exactly this is sexist and turn it into me by next week. Thanks.

Schwartz *vehemently* denies that he and Jo went on double dates with Sandoval and Raquel, btw, and again, I am not remotely convinced. We've all seen the photos from Big Bear. Also, during this denial, James Kennedy starts loudly booing them, which did make me laugh.

We're on to a segment about Schwartz and Sandy's and how it was ~ delayed ~ blah blah blah and I wholeheartedly do not care in this moment. But if you want to know what Schwartz and Sandy's is like in real life, boy do I have a review for you. LVP is seemingly very upset that Tom Sandoval doesn't seem to appreciate everything she's done for them by giving them 5% of Tom Tom at a rate of 50k each and I'm like well babe, no offense, but you are the one who chose to go into business with two of the biggest morons on this show. Tom Tom is good though, so I'll give them that.

Andy brings up the fact that Ariana said she will not be maintaining friendships with people who remain close with Tom Sandoval and asks Ariana if she will "stop speaking to Lisa if she stays in business with the Toms" to which Ariana responds, "We just won't be as close." Call me crazy — it's been done before — but this feels like a pretty normal reaction for someone who was publicly cheated on and humiliated by her partner of 9 years to have in this moment!

Onto the sandwich shop which I personally can't wait for because there's little more I love in life that Vanderpump Rules-related establishments and sandwiches. Ariana says that she believes it may be open "end of May" and I am sitting here typing this on May 24, 2023 so I need these ladies to hurry. Katie and Ariana also share that they have made "about $200,000" from their merch alone. Oh my fucking god. A huge slay, tbh!

We are switching gears to flash back to LAST season — aka season 9, which I barely remember by this point — and I am then reminded that Lala and Scheana were at odds because Lala brought up the whole Brock not seeing his kids and having an alleged DV charge thing. They are very close present-day, and even bought houses next to each other in Palm Springs. It's then revealed by Schwartz that Katie apparently felt that she was not receiving loyalty from Lala in the same way that Scheana was during the season. Scheana apologizes for not having "more empathy" for Katie and riding hard for Raquel.

Lala gets triggered by the usage of the word "bully" which then triggers Tom Sandoval. And now Lala and Tom Sandoval are going at it and Lala says that Raquel and Tom Sandoval have "always trigged her" and "now we fucking know why." Lala also brings up the fact that Tom Sandoval "had the balls" to tell Katie that she needed to have accountability while he was, as we know by now, fully sleeping with Raquel! James Kennedy starts booing again during this segment btw and it really is funnier to me than it should be since it's making it difficult to hear anything being said.

Tom Sandoval is going on and on about Lala refusing to take accountability — for which thing, it remains unclear — and LVP interjects and says "Lala, sometimes you've been pretty aggressive." I am not really sure what LVP is doing during this reunion, tbh. It's not giving voice of reason, but it IS giving producer hat/ possibly wrong side of history. And btw, we all remember when Lala said, "Are you trying to get popped?" which I would consider somewhat aggressive and also something I wish I could personally forget.

As this escalates, James Kennedy accuses LVP of sticking up for Tom and he leaves the set saying, "I'm not going to listen to this shit." And with that, THIS REUNION EPISODE IS OVER.

Next week we get to see Katie say to Tom Schwartz, "You're like a serial killer's wet dream" and that's not even the half of it, because we also get Ariana vs Raquel! I'll see you back here next week for REUNION PART 2!!!! And in the meantime, let's all try to emotionally prepare.

And be sure to catch new (and old!) episodes of Vanderpump Rules on Peacock!

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