Olivia Rodrigo Supports Kamala Harris’ Pledge to Reinstate Reproductive Rights

1 month ago 3

Among the celebrities and musicians backing Vice President Kamala Harris‘ recent bid for the presidency, Olivia Rodrigo has voiced support for the politician’s stance on reproductive rights at the onset of the campaign.

On Instagram, Rodrigo posted a video from @thenewsmovement of the first speech that Harris gave as part of her election campaign on Tuesday in West Allis, Wisconsin. In the video, Harris criticizes former President Donald Trump’s stance on abortion and supports reproductive rights, with Rodrigo putting praise hands emojis on top of the clip.

“And we who believe in reproductive freedom will stop Donald Trump’s extreme abortion bans because we trust women to make decisions about their own body and not have their government tell them what to do,” says Harris in the video. “And when Congress passes a law to restore reproductive freedoms as president of the United States, I will sign it into law.”

Rodrigo’s support of Harris’ stance on reproductive rights should come as no surprise for fans of the singer, who briefly invited the organization Right by You to distribute free emergency contraceptives, condoms and information about abortion to fans on her Guts world tour. Concertgoers at her March show in St. Louis, Mo. were able to get a package that included two boxes of emergency contraceptives as well as cards with QR codes linking to abortion access resources and the Missouri Abortion Fund.

A few days later, though, local abortion funds were told that they were no longer allowed to hand out free emergency birth control pills and other reproductive health resources at the concerts at the direction of Rodrigo’s team. The organizations were told that those resources were no longer welcome at her shows because “children are present at the concerts.”

This isn’t Rodrigo’s first brush with Harris, as the two met during her trip to the White House in July 2021. President Joe Biden tapped Rodrigo to help get younger folks to get vaccinated during the Covid-19 crisis, and after the visit, Harris posted an Instagram of her laughing with Rodrigo along with the caption, “@oliviarodrigo and I agree, vaccines—they’re ‘good 4 u,'” referring to the singer’s hit song.

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